‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Thursday, June 25, 2020 11:44 AM, John Young <j...@pipeline.com> wrote:

> "LulzSec (who by then was cooperating with the FBI)"
> https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/wikileaks-founder-charged-superseding-indictment...
> In 2010, Assange gained unauthorized access to a government computer system 
> of a NATO country. In 2012, Assange communicated directly with a leader of 
> the hacking group LulzSec (who by then was cooperating with the FBI), and 
> provided a list of targets for LulzSec to hack. With respect to one target, 
> Assange asked the LulzSec leader to look for (and provide to WikiLeaks) mail 
> and documents, databases and pdfs. In another communication, Assange told the 
> LulzSec leader that the most impactful release of hacked materials would be 
> from the CIA, NSA, or the New York Times. WikiLeaks obtained and published 
> emails from a data breach committed against an American intelligence 
> consulting company by an “Anonymous” and LulzSec-affiliated hacker. According 
> to that hacker, Assange indirectly asked him to spam that victim company 
> again.

it should be noted in 2011 at DEF CON Sabu the rat fuck was helping FBI NatSec 
"hack the hackers" using DirtBoxes with custom exploit chains.

at first i thought this was just widely targeted, but they had to code a 
blacklist over the course of two days at con. (how do I know this? their kit 
had bugs, like any software, and denial of service meant DRT crash and 
unobstructed egress ... for a little while :)

best regards,

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