On Sat, Jun 27, 2020 at 08:21:24PM +0000, jim bell wrote:
> https://news.bitcoin.com/timothy-c-may-libertaria-in-cyberspace/
> [quote begins]
> Timothy C. May: Libertaria in Cyberspace
> Here are a few points about why “cyberspace,” or a computer-mediated network, 
> is more hospitable than physical locations for the kind of “crypto-anarchy” 
> libertarian system I’ve been describing.
> Several folks have commented recently about ocean-going libertarian havens, 
> supertankers used as data havens, and so forth. In the 1970s, especially, 
> there were several unsuccessful attempts to acquire islands in the Pacific 
> for the site of what some called “Libertaria.” (Some keywords: Vanuatu, 
> Minerva, Mike Oliver, Tonga)
> Obtaining an entire island is problematic. Getting the consent of the 
> residents is one issue (familiar to those on the this list who weathered the 
> Hurricane Andrew diversion debate). Being allowed to operate by the leading 
> world powers is another… the U.S. has enforced trade embargoes and blockades 
> against many nations in the past several decades, including Cuba, North 
> Korea, Libya, Iran, Iraq, and others. Further, the U.S. has invaded some 
> countries— Panama- is a good example— whose government it disliked. How long 
> would a supertanker “data haven” or libertarian regime last in such an 
> environment? (Stephenson’s fascinating Snow Crash didn’t address the issue of 
> why the “Raft” wasn’t simply sunk by the remaining military forces.)
> I should note that the recent splintering of countries may provide 
> opportunities for libertarian (or PPL, if you prefer to think of it in this 
> way) regions. Some have speculated that Russia itself is a candidate, given 
> that it has little vested in the previous system and may be willing to 
> abandon statism. If several dozen new countries are formed, some 
> opportunities exist.
> The basic problem is that physical space is too small, too exposed to the 
> view of others. “Libertaria” in the form of, say, an island, is too exposed 
> to the retaliation of world powers. (I won’t go into the “private nukes” 
> strategy, which I need to think about further.)
> A floating private nation (or whatever it’s called) is too vulnerable to a 
> single well-placed torpedo. Even if it serves as a kind of Swiss-bank, and 
> thus gets some of the same protection Switzerland got (to wit, many leaders 
> kept their loot there), it is too vulnerable to a single attacker or invader. 
> Piracy will be just one of the problems.
> Finally, how many of us want to move to a South Pacific island? Or a North 
> Sea oil rig? Or even to Russia?
> [end of partial quote]

Transitions dear boy, transitions.

Today folks witness the spectacular success and autonomy achieved by CHAZ, and 
wish to сее this "autonomous anarchist θτοπια" immediately replicated in their 
local community.

Perhaps we can make a list of "example cherries to plucк" which the common man 
can embrace and readily identify as good, ußeful, relevant to hiss elf.

Privacy of communication, cash and the privacy of human to human trade this 
enables, the freedom to choose (and to choose to not) have any object inserted 
into your body, etc.

Man, as in men and women, must actually know about and actually want, such 

If the majority truly believe that our body's natural immune system and its 
natural development must be bypassed, we see the stasi στασι стаси knock down 
our front doors when we proudly "resist".

Folks must be edumacated, one by one..

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