If you haven't read it, now is a good time to remind yourself and those you 
care about, what's at stake in this historical moment.

Choose wisely good people,

   George Soros's Plan B If Biden Loses

And if you need an uplift:


"Democrats are going to get bloodied in Florida"


Where Trump Had His Florida Rally Should Tell You How His Team Feels
About Winning the State
"Campaigning in the state usually zeroes in on the I-4 Corridor. That’s
where you’d think Trump would host this rally one day before we all go
to the polls. Nope. He’s doing in Miami-Dade.. Hillary Clinton carried
this county, the most populous Democratic county in the state, by 26
points in 2016—and she still lost."
"Larry Schweikart, among others, has been tracking the early vote
totals, which usually break heavily for Democrats. Well, in Florida,
that lead has collapsed…big league. The lead is under 100k right now.
GOP is jacked up and ready to vote."
"HUGE turnout for @realDonaldTrump in Georgia and Florida!
Rome Rally:
- 42,067 signups
- 31.4% NOT Republican"   [Holy Shirt muffas !! :D]
==^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^    =========================
... All I can say now to you, fellow MAGA supporters is get out and
vote. For extra credit, find someone else who supports Trump and take
them to the polls as well.

On Fri, Aug 28, 2020 at 11:29:27PM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> If you're on the edge of George Soros' Antifa wave dishing out Soros' 
> Black/White "color revolution" across the USA, perhaps you'd like to live in 
> Polk County, or have this kind of sheriff in town:
>    https://mobile.twitter.com/i/web/status/1267539936401592320
>    "The people in Polk County like guns, they have guns, I encourage them to 
> own guns... And if you try to break into their homes to steal, to set fires, 
> I'm highly recommending they blow you back out of the house with their guns." 
> STORY: bit.ly/3gPvQML pic.twitter.com/KH0g3X0POC
> As one commenter says, "Polk Bois ain’t playin"...
> Found here:
> https://gameruprising.to/index.php?threads/ramzpaul-and-styxhexenhammer666-champion-kyle-rittenhouse.8834/page-2

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