This is looking good folks, but take nothing for granted!

   By the Data: Trump Campaign Predicts Absolute Landslide in Pennsylvania, 
Other States

On Fri, Oct 23, 2020 at 06:25:10PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> Imagine the UTTER FUTILITY that democrat voters in the USA must FEEL this 
> year!  That's just so epicly vacuous, gut wrenching, knowingly futile and 
> cognitively dissonant that doing so would feel so absolutely terrible.
> I mean seriously, take a look at these headlines:
> -----
>  - Federal Circuit Court judges appointed by Trump:
>    List of federal judges appointed by Donald Trump
>       As of October 22, 2020, the United States Senate has confirmed 219
>       Article III judges nominated by Trump, including two associate
>       justices of the Supreme Court of the United States, 53 judges for
>       the United States courts of appeals, 162 judges for the United
>       States district courts, and two judges for the United States Court
>       of International Trade.[2] There are currently 34 nominations to
>       Article III courts awaiting Senate action, including one for the
>       Supreme Court, 32 for the district courts and one for the Court of
>       International Trade.[3] There is currently one vacancy on the
>       Supreme Court, 55 vacancies on the U.S. district courts and two
>       vacancies on the U.S. Court of International Trade.[3] There is
>       also one announced vacancy on the courts of appeals that may occur
>       before the end of Trump's first term.[4]
>    Seriously, that is epic - 219+53+162+2 = 436 judges appointed by
>    Trump!
>    AND 34 in the wings!  Did I mention this is epic?
>    This is so many judges that if this weren't his consitutional duty,
>    Trump would have been declared an unhinged Hitlerian dictator!
> -----
>  - Oh, and we have not yet even mention "Article I" appointments:
>    From that same wiki page above: "In terms of Article I courts, as of
>    October 19, 2020, the Senate has confirmed 21 judges nominated by
>    Trump, including six for the United States Court of Federal Claims,
>    seven for the United States Tax Court, six for the United States
>    Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims, one for the United States Court
>    of Appeals for the Armed Forces, and one for the United States Court
>    of Military Commission Review. There are currently seven nominations
>    to Article I courts awaiting Senate action, including six for the
>    United States Court of Federal Claims and one for the Court of
>    Appeals for the Armed Forces."
>    It's just a tragic situation for Dem voters - all these vacancies
>    have been filled.
> -----
>  - And of course SCOTUS/ Supreme Court seats: two associate justices,
>    and ACB about to be appointed yet.
>    ACB is so in our face it's - well, how tragic must this feel to all
>    the D/Xi voters this year?
>    Epically tragic.
>    In fact so tragic, and so many seats filled, there's something
>    approaching ZERO relevance to any Dem even voting this year, at least
>    from a PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE of any relevance to their political
>    beliefs.
> -----
>  - Actual enthusiasm, and fun, and massive turnouts at every Trump
>    rally, day after day!  This has not been seen for decades and you
>    just KNOW that Trump is kicking massive electorate goals, for example
>    in new voter registrations - this was posted earlier, but here for
>    the record:
>       JPMorgan's Kolanovic Has A Warning For Those Expecting A Crushing
>       Biden Victory
>    As we see with rally after rally, photo after photo, Trump's rally
>    turnouts are epic - and it's so huge, and Trump is fitting in SO many
>    rallies, that team Red is simply setting up cordons and mobile
>    seating stalls AT THE AIRPORTS!
>    Folks, my feelz COULD NOT STAND to be anything other than a
>    Republican/ Trump voter this year.  You even have to have a little
>    empathy for what drives the Democrats to become screeching harpies,
>    what they must be going through, the epic tragedy that brings them to
>    scream at their phones and upload their hysteria for their fellow
>    Blue team comrades to wallow in.
> -----
>  - Declared street "protests" after the election of Trump:
>    As a D voter, how can you even feel good about your own team when
>    they've already promised the world that they're going to (continue
>    to) unleash anarchy on the streets?
>    Anyone with parents, family, minorities who've had their businesses
>    burnt down etc, simply must feel really bad about the situation -
>    it's unjustifiable morally, and yet as a supposed "loyal D voter"
>    you're expected to ignore the violence, the evil, the murders being
>    done by team D/Xi?
>    That must bite, seriously bite!
>    Imagine having to live such internal contradictions and have to still
>    maintain the thought that you're a "good person"?
>    Damn, bro!
> -----
>  - Faith.
>    Yes, faith muh peeps!  Faith exists in the "bad orange p.##y grabber"
>    camp like you ain't seen in a long time, even in 2016 - again, this
>    was posted just in the last couple days:
>       US election - A shrine to Trump in a 2020 battleground state
>    That's a classic example - WAY before Trump had won his first term,
>    many folks knew instinctively that here is a man who is not a typical
>    swamp dweller.
>    Yes we have dedication, persistence, and even memes on our side, but
>    faith continues to play a real role in the Trump Train as it
>    steamrolls onward and upward, To INFINITY and BEYOND :D
> -----
>  - Speaking of memes and fun: we have memes, and it's fun :D
>    The left (at least in this point of history) simply cannot do memes -
>    there was may be ONE single meme in the last ~5 years, from the left
>    which was actually marginally funny.
>    EVEN THE RIGHT, in the example of the can poke fun at
>    the right like it's going out of style, and have us all laughing in
>    stitches, at ourselves!  Again, a recent link proving the point:
>       Trump Supporter Changes Mind After Pres Gets COVID
>       - BNN Week In Review 10-9-2020
>    How utterly demoralising must it be to Biden supporters when Joe's
>    most famous piece of comedy this year was when he was asked for a
>    jibe against Trump and said, and I quote:
>       Joe Biden: "I call him 'president tweety'".
>    That is lame.  It is simply lame.  As in so, so lame.
>    In fact it's so lame, it is epically lame.
>    Which leads us to:
> -----
>  - The left's "peaceful protests" which as everyone can see are plainly
>    riots.
>    And these rioters have literally burnt down millions of dollars worth
>    of minority businesses and homes, as well as 100s of milliosn of $ of
>    real estate, cars and the rest.
>    Not to mention the left's (including Dem party bigwigs) calls for
>    violence over and over and over again.
>    How utterly demoralizing to all -conscionable- people, must this year
>    be if your natural vote is to the so called "liberal democrats" (as
>    my natural vote would normally be).
>    Imagine this choice, as it is: a conservative pussy grabber, who you
>    instinctively oppose, or the utterly abhorrent and unconscionable
>    Democrats and their BLM/ANTIFA riot machine, which you simply could
>    never ever conscionably support?
>    These "Dem feelz" have to be utterly, utterly tragic!
> -----
>  - October Surprise, Hunter hard drives.
>    You just KNOW that this is a steamy and rotten turn in the Dem rabbit
>    hole which is about to blow the house down, and...
>    SO, even if you DO vote Biden, you just KNOW that YOU WILL FOREVER BE
>    TARNISHED as a Biden voter.  Even Hillary was probably a better
>    option - "at least she was just a war hawk" whereas team Biden appear
>    to be well below even polite conversation.
>    That just HAS to hurt...
>    And I say this with absolutely no maliciousness whatsoever - really
>    and truly, the good people of North America do deserve an honourable
>    opposition to Trump, they just don't have anything remotely
>    resembling that ...
>    and now Barack "DroneBama" Obama (who extra judicially droned HOW
>    many people to death again?) is now "campaigning" for Basement Joe,
>    demonstrating how lame this Hidin' Biden duck really is...
>    Basically Joe is epically lame (see grarpamp's honest political ad
>    below).
> -----
>  - NOTHING to feel good about:
>    Seriously, on team D, there WHOLE PLATFORM since 2016 has been "we're
>    NOT trump" and that's it!
>    That's sad.  Tragically sad!
>    What an absolutely rotten, rotten leadership the Dem party has.
>    What can you say but this is a horrible, horrible situation for all D
>    voters.
> -----
>    Shit guys, we need to feel sorry for actual Democrat party voters for
>    what they must be going through - tragedy, farce, false dichotomies,
>    epic emotional journies, 100s upon 100s of judges have been appointed
>    with barely a few seats of NEGLIGIBLE PICKINGS left over.
>    And 56% of USAians say they're better off under Trump, and Biden says
>    "well don't vote for me then"...
>    ...that is seriously messed up - this Biden is "their" man,
>    supposedly taking on Trump, and Joe Biden tells 56% of Americans to
>    not vote for him.
>    (That's possibly in the endless basket of Biden gaffs, but in any
>    case it's obvious he is a terrible candidate, worse than Hillary, and
>    literally appearing more senile by the week - Kamala?  God no!)
> Basically if you're a D voter today in the USA, you have my genuine,
> heartfelt sympathy.
> It is simply tragic what you are going through.
> There are virtually no words to describe the so, so sad situation for
> those nominal "liberal democratic" good people in the USA today - all
> they have left now is the stinging rebuke that "A vote for D is a vote
> for Xi".
> Tragic.
> Utterly, epically, tragic!
> I wish you a better candidate in 2024 - so, good luck, as you'll need
> it.
> ---------------------------
> On Thu, Oct 22, 2020 at 09:24:15PM -0400, grarpamp wrote:
> > Honest Political Ads...
> > 
> >
> > Weekend at Biden's :)
> Oh yeah :)

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