"Immune foreign military and police on local territory" cuts both ways.

If Biden escapes all legitimacy and becomes POTUS, expect Chinese military and 
police in both US and Australia, "defending" Chinese interests and immune to 
prosecution due to the sellout "our" politicians perpetrate(d) on us.

If Trump scrapes through somehow, USA army and military can likewise enter 
Australia and round up the demon rats under martial law.

Every sword cuts both ways.

All chips are on the table - though most are unaware of the magnitude of that 
which is on our doorstep: it'll make Pol Pot look like a picnic.

Good luck and God speed y'all, and consider staying ahead of the curve...

On Fri, Nov 06, 2020 at 08:01:41PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 31, 2020 at 04:12:50PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> > On Fri, Oct 30, 2020 at 10:48:42PM -0400, grarpamp wrote:
> > > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDL3Yjl31K8  2020: The biggest silent
> > > fuck you in history... and it will feel... good!!!
> > 
> > 
> > Bannon and Giuliani may have some very interesting political moves up
> > their sleeves should Biden "win":
> > 
> >    Trump's (64-Day) Post-Election Endgame (Or, Can A Criminal Be 
> > Inaugurated President?)
> >       Brett Redmayne-Titley via WatchingRomeBurn.uk
> >    
> > https://watchingromeburn.uk/news/trumps-64-day-post-election-endgame-or-can-a-criminal-be-inaugurated-president/
> >    
> > https://www.zerohedge.com/political/trumps-64-day-post-election-endgame-or-can-criminal-be-inaugurated-president
> > 
> >       … Come Nov 3, the race for POTUS is far from over. Trump’s handlers
> >       seem to know this. The follow-up will be an unprecedented public
> >       spectacle that will likely very much include the Electoral
> >       College. Further, this possible coup will have sixty-four very
> >       valuable extra days, a Judiciary Committee, an Attorney General, a
> >       Senate and developing media attention, all remaining and at the
> >       RNC’s disposal.
> > 
> >       The Trump campaign knows this and appears to be playing the long
> >       game. Rudy Giuliani and Steve Bannon are not political fools.
> >       Thanks to Biden’s true personality being exposed, a growing
> >       treasure chest of allegations have been handed over to Trump, four
> >       different times thus far. If these revelations prove true, should
> >       Trump lose, this will also provide his campaign no less than two
> >       more chances to bring Biden down.
> > 
> >       ...
> Something for Russia to consider if the neo-hawk DemonRats manage to
> overcome all legitimacy, and overcome all court challenges to their vote
> frauds etc:
> In the case that Biden and the DemonRats "win" the POTUS seat, they will
> thankfully be relatively stymied for the next 4 years by the Republican
> hold on the senate.
> This likely gives Russia 4 more years to prepare for the worst, given
> Putin still standing, even if Trump "falls".
> Christian nations should not be caused to go to war against one another,
> as we are brothers, but if our efforts at repentance are insufficient
> and the heavenly authorities deem and the earthly tribulations continue,
> the dark forces may yet get their way of another round of White brothers
> shooting ourselves "into the stone age".
> This would be terrible of course and let's pray for anything but this
> scenario, and let's also pray that should such despotism befall our
> people, that Russia brings a swift and righteous end to the despotism of
> the West, in no uncertain military terms of finality.
> Tears don't help.
> So pray, and do your thing.
> Build your militias (and get deputised, sign up with the NRA, work and
> train closely with your military boys etc), since:
>  - you in the USA,
>  - just as we now (almost) in Oz,
>  - have laws and "treaties" on the books to allow foreign
>    armed militaries and police etc, WITH COMPLETE IMMUNITY,
>    onto American soil!
> This (military international) coup is international, China is ready and
> waiting, and it's been planned for decades whilst the people slept for
> bread and circuses.
> So -some- might consider it prudent to stay ahead of the curve...
> Trump is attempting to stand for you, against this despotism - as he
> said in one of his rallies, he -used- to have a great life.
> Thank God that Putin is still standing.
> Don't expect "Nuremberg" nor any other foreign "authority" to protect
> you when the shit -really- hits the fan - all those globalist "one
> world" entities are part of "their" plan to dominate you, not to
> liberate you.
> This ain't a joke, snowflake - the present MOTUs (international bankers)
> are not going down without a fight, parts of which continues to play out
> before our eyes.
> Peace my friends, and may you find that which your Soul seeks for you.

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