Total Hypocrisy of Your "Leaders",
why the fuck are you idiots still following
them and their stupid orders over your life...

MP Who Claims She Feels "Unsafe" Around Maskless Is Pictured Partying Maskless

An MP who claimed she felt “unsafe” around people who don’t wear masks
proudly posted maskless photos of herself to Twitter enjoying a party
surrounded by people not wearing masks.


“I feel incredibly unsafe in the chamber,” when Tories don’t wear
masks Labour MP Zarah Sultana stated during a recent BBC News

    Zarah Sultana: "I feel incredibly unsafe in the chamber" when
Tories don't wear masks

    Also Zarah Sultana: "Wahey! Here's me at a packed MOBO awards,
without a mask in sight" #MaskHypocrisy
    — Martin Daubney ✌🏻🇬🇧 (@MartinDaubney) December 6, 2021

Those fears were apparently absent when Sultana visited the MOBO
awards in Coventry, during which she was photographed in close
proximity to others at an indoor event attended by thousands.

“The @MOBOAwards came to Coventry last night,” tweeted Sultana
alongside a quartet of maskless selfies.

    The @MOBOAwards came to Coventry last night 🥰
    — Zarah Sultana MP (@zarahsultana) December 6, 2021

“It’s OK when we do it!”

Sultana’s behavior once again underscores how masks have become pure
theater and yet another political tool in culture war, completely
absent any real body of evidence that they actually work.

England once again mandated masks in shops and other venues last week
in response to the Omicron variant despite the fact that European
countries like Germany which have compulsory rules on face coverings
in place for many months have experienced record COVID surges.

Meanwhile, as we highlight in the video below, mask zealots are now
lobbying for new rules that would ban people from TALKING while eating
and drinking at bars and restaurants.

These people are completely out of control.

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