German Man Kills His Entire Family In Murder-Suicide Motivated By
Vaccine Passport Penalties

The mental toll from stress induced by countries' pandemic response
has arrived at a point where that itself may outweigh the risk that
COVID-19 possesses. Nowhere is this more apparent than in sharp
increases in violent crimes worldwide. Although Germany has somewhat
defied this unspoken pandemic by seeing violent crime drop 2.3% in
2020, even it is not immune. Despite that marked decrease, a closer
examination of those statistics shows that homicides rose 3.7% in the
same time frame. Even with an increase up to 2,401 murders in 2020,
Germany still experiences fewer homicides than other developed
nations. While it is too soon to conclude any statistical analysis of
that trend for 2021, the nation's latest high profile murder clearly
shows the catalyst behind the increased murder rate.

On Tuesday, police in Senzig, Brandenburg discovered the deaths of an
entire family living in the town just south of Berlin. A suicide note
was also present at the scene, which was left by the husband and
father of the family. In the note, the 40 year-old confessed to
murdering his wife and 3 daughters before killing himself. The motive
he described behind the murder-suicide was his fear of forthcoming
penalties after it was discovered that he forged his wife's vaccine

Germany, which recently announced its intentions to make vaccination
against COVID-19 compulsory among its population following Austria's
decision to do so, has taken a starkly more authoritarian position in
its pandemic response. Despite recent court rulings citing the
unconsitutionality of lockdown measures, the German governments have
implemented some of the harshest restrictions in Europe at state,
local, and federal levels. This is made evident by the nation's recent
lockdown of the unvaccinated and in the state of Hesse, where vaccine
passports are required to enter grocery stores.

As expected, penalties for falsifying vaccine passports are just as
harsh. Under German federal law, those found to fake their proof of
vaccination or recovery from COVID-19 face heavy fines and even
imprisonment. Those daunting penalties loomed over the murderer after
his wife's employer discovered that he had forged her vaccine
certificate. Given the reporting requirements thrust upon employer's
who are carrying out the national vaccination mandate affecting all
workers, he feared that he and his wife would face a prison sentence
which would lead to his children being taken away from their parents
by social services.

This rationale conveyed by the suicide note was confirmed by Chief
Public Prosecutor Gernot Bantleon. That stress was reportedly
compounded by termination from his own job as a school teacher, though
police have yet to confirm the veracity of that circulating claim. The
bodies were discovered following a call to authorities who saw the
family's lifeless bodies through a window in their home. It is unknown
if other details the issuer of the report has provided to
investigators at this time.

Additional preliminary reports state that the husband and wife had
purchased the fake vaccination certificate online. Use of forged proof
of vaccination has steadily risen since Germany's latest clampdown.
The majority of these violations in the country have occurred in the
last month or so, making the causation readily apparent. In Bavaria,
there have been 1,286 violations on record, with about half of those
occurring this November alone. Given this correlation, officials see a
significant increase ahead, especially under the premise of a
forthcoming nationwide vaccinate requirement.

The emergence of the omicron variant has been advantageously cited as
the reason for an increase in restrictive measures through pandemic
response efforts. However, there is no clear evidence that the
mutations causing the latest COVID-19 variant created increased
virility. The divide between scientific fact and pseudo-scientific
justifications selected to defend public health policies which have
clearly failed is nothing new. Studies have shown that lockdowns have
led to increases of diseases other than COVID-19, with those affecting
mental health being especially profound.

The Senzig murder-suicide illustrates just how deeply the terror
instilled by authoritarian measures taken by governments resonates
with their citizens. The utter desperation, despair, and horror of
this crime should serve as an example of how these inhumane vaccine
mandates erode our lives on a human level and its clear downward
spiral that pulls society asunder. It's easy to say that if any nation
should have learned of the horrors of authoritarianism from its
history then it is Germany. However, that trite criticism overlooks a
haunting truth; that the lessons from that history have taught Germany
how to put those totalitarian methods from the past to better use in
the present.

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