Wisconsin Assembly Votes to Advance Rep. Ramthun’s Resolution to
Reclaim Wisconsin’s Electors For President and Vice President That
Were Certified Under Fraudulent Purposes


The Wisconsin Assembly voted unanimously in a voice vote in a
privileged resolution to move forward Rep. Ramthun’s resolution to
reclaim Wisconsin’s 10 electors for US President and Vice President
who were certified under fraudulent purposes.

The voice vote was unanimous and passed the assembly earlier this evening.

The legislation will now move forward to the Wisconsin Rules Committee
and to the Wisconsin Senate, bill 743.

The legislation was introduced by Rep. Timothy Ramthun.

How it happened: Rep. Ramthun bravely called for a point of order
today, during an open session. He did this by using Assembly Rule 43
and asking was his resolution privileged and able to be passed on to
the Rules Committee through an open session? Yes, the resolution was
privileged. Then they were able to do a vote within the session that
was currently taking place. And it was all “Yes”, an unanimous vote to
move the legislation to the Rules Committee. So now the resolution
will land at the Rules Committee. It’s in the hands of Speaker Vos, a
Republican. So Speaker Vos and the rest of the representatives have
ten days to answer back on whether he’s going to push it to the floor
for a vote. It is not clear what the Wisconsin Senate did with it yet.

Representative Ramthun used the rulebook, used the Constitution, and
was fearless. He went out there in front of everybody, stopped the
session and said, I’m a legislator, and I want you to hear this
because that’s what the constituents are asking me to do.

The assembly voted on the resolution to have passage to the Rules
Committee, to get an opinion if they can go forward. They could have
tabled it. They didn’t even have to hear it. But because it was found
privilege, they had no choice. And now the legislation moves to the
Rules Committee.

So now the legislation moves to the next level, it’s still alive, and
we’ll see what happens in the Rules Committe led by Robin Vos. It’s
not a done deal, but it’s the first time in Wisconsin history that a
state Representative has moved to reclaim Wisconsin’s 10 electoral

Ramthun’s office is kicking butt and needs to be supported and thanked
for doing the right thing for the people of Wisconsin and America.
Regardless of where the resolution goes from here, Representative
Ramthun has always kept his word to the people of Wisconsin.

Wisconsin Assembly Rules Committee Members:

Representative Steineke (Chair)
Representative Vos
Representative August
Representative Petersen
Representative Vorpagel
Representative Kuglitsch
Representative Tittl
Representative Plumer
Representative Dittrich
Representative Neubauer
Representative Hesselbein
Representative Spreitzer
Representative Subeck
Representative Pope
Representative Baldeh

How can you help? Contact the rules committee members and tell them to
put the resolution through.
You can reach your legislator by calling the Legislative Hotline. In
Madison, dial 266-9960. Toll-free, call 1-800-362-9472.

Here is video of tonight’s historic vote in the Wisconsin Assembly via
H.O.T Wisconsin.

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