Pelosi... apologist for communist china,
high traitor and criminal against the highest forms of freespeech,
and thereby to her own country...
Lock Her Up they say

Pelosi urges U.S. athletes not to "speak out" against the Chinese
Communist government during the Olympics.
For months people have been warning that the 1/6 Committee has
exceeded -- by far -- every previous boundary for what congressional
investigative committees can do. Today the NYT finally notices:
they're acting far more like DOJ prosecutors than Congress:
After 9/11, those of us raising civil liberties concerns about the War
on Terror were accused of siding with Al Qaeda. Same tactic now
employed by neocon-led Dems for 1/6: raising abuse of power concerns
means you're siding with "Insurrectionists." The Constitution still

Biden: “When the federal government spends taxpayer dollars, we buy
American products.” Biden just paid China $1.2 billion for COVID

“I’m going to ask the public for 100 days to mask. Just 100 days...Not
forever.” — Biden, December 3, 2020

Business is WAY down at bars and restaurants in Minneapolis/St. Paul
after the Democrat-run cities' vaccine mandates went into effect. "We
need every bit of help that we can get."
Jason Chaffetz: Pelosi's commission has no credibility, "it's an
absolute farce" and a "charade"

WATCH: Biden National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan refuses to say if
Biden will end his war on American energy to restore energy
Democrats seven minutes

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