Pinko Commie Red Star Hat Wearing Psaki, Tries To Label People Commies...

War Mania Leads White House To Condemn US Senator As Russian Propagandist

Jen Psaki accused Republican Sen. Josh Hawley of "parroting Russian
talking points" for sending a letter to Secretary of State Antony
Blinken questioning the drive for war. "Well, if you are just
digesting Russian misinformation and parroting Russian talking points,
you are not aligned with long-standing, bipartisan American values,"
Psaki told reporters at a regular White House briefing.

Resurfaced photo shows Biden press sec Jen Psaki wearing hammer and
sickle hat with Russian official. The hammer and sickle have come to
represent communist movements around the world. ... wearing the pink
shapka while posing with then-Secretary of State John Kerry, who has
been appointed to serve as Biden's "climate czar," Also standing next
to Psaki is Russian Foreign Affairs Minister Sergey Lavrov, Maria

Psaki added: "That applies to Senator Hawley, but it also applies to
others who may be parroting the talking points of Russian propagandist
leaders."  The word "others" is ominous. It can be taken to mean any
other member of the U.S. Congress, U.S. independent media or ordinary

Such vilification is designed to take agency away from American
elected officials, journalists or private citizens — who are schooled
in the American world view and not Russia’s — to think for themselves,
examine evidence and come to their own conclusion.

Smearing government critics as agents of a foreign power is the oldest
trick in the book. Anti-Vietnam War protestors were labelled
apologists for Hanoi and critics of the 2003 invasion of Iraq as
Saddam stooges.

Hawley’s letter to Blinken was actually hawkish in tone, talking about
Russian 'threats' — hardly a Moscow "talking point." He wrote:

    "The United States has an interest in maintaining Ukraine’s
independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity. And we should
urgently deliver to Ukraine assistance it needs to defend itself
against Russia’s military buildup and other threats. Our interest is
not so strong, however, as to justify committing the United States to
go to war with Russia over Ukraine’s fate. Rather, we must aid Ukraine
in a manner that aligns with the American interests at stake and
preserves our ability to deny Chinese hegemony in the Indo-Pacific."

The White House putdown of Hawley shows how the administration is
shutting down debate on the issue most deserving of it in a so-called
democracy, namely the question of peace or war. That the White House
target is a member of the Senate, which is constitutionally charged
with declaring war, is even more alarming.

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