Democrat policy failboat...

NY Black Democrat Mayor Eric Adams, and Gov Hochul,
call homeless human beings a Cancer to be Removed,
seek to focus on "appearances" optics instead of the problem...

Alongside Adams, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul echoed his comments, saying that:

    "we know it’s a big problem. But shame on us if this moment in
time, if we don’t turn over every single stone, find every possible
way to to deal with this."

Adams called it a complex problem, saying:

    “You can’t put a band-aid on a cancerous sore," but, “You must
remove the cancer and start the healing process.”

Of course, this prompted outrage among some with Shelly Nortz, the
deputy executive director for policy at the Coalition for the
Homeless, calling the mayor's comment “sickening" and said
“criminalizing homelessness” was not the answer.

    “Repeating the failed outreach-based policing strategies of the
past will not end the suffering of homeless people bedding down on the
subway. It is sickening to hear Mayor Adams liken unsheltered homeless
people to a cancer. They are human beings," Nortz said.

Police Commissioner Keechant Seweell said the police department will
start enforcing the new rules in New York City subway this week.

The mayor, who has emphasized the appearance of crime and disorder as
being just as important to tackle as the actual crime statistics, said
it was unacceptable that the system allowed, in one case, a woman to
live under a stairway inside a station for months.

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