AZ State Senator Sonny Borrelli: Unmonitored Dropboxes Revealed Over
733,000 Unaccounted for Ballots in Maricopa County’s 2020 Election
By Jordan Conradson
Published March 30, 2022 at 8:15am

Yesterday, Arizona State Senator Sonny Borrelli delivered an update on
the fight to ban unmonitored dropboxes in Arizona and the ongoing
criminal investigation into Arizona’s 2020 election.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported on an investigation into
Maricopa County ballot harvesting efforts, which used Public Records
Requests for all ballot box retrieval and chain of custody forms
utilized in Maricopa County during the 2020 General Election. The
report concluded that Maricopa County officials violated Arizona law
and do not have the required chain of custody for at least 740,000

    HUGE: Maricopa County – Investigation Finds Additional 740,000
Ballots Have No Documented Chain Of Custody

This investigation discovered that proper chain-of-custody
documentation for the transfer of voted ballots from drop boxes was
almost nonexistent.

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Last Monday, The Arizona Senate Government committee considered
HB2238, which was passed in the Arizona House to ban the
unconstitutional unmonitored drop boxes.

The bill passed through committee along party lines, and Democratic
Senators pretended not to understand the bill’s purpose: to prevent
unlawful ballot harvesting and ballot-box stuffing and to restore
voter confidence. State Senator Martin Quezada ridiculously argued
that the bill’s purpose was to stop Democrats from voting.

State Senator Sonny Borrelli gave an update on this fight and the
evidence delivered to Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich.

    Borrelli: This session we’ve heard multiple bills that secure our
future elections. One of the issues is the drop boxes. On March 21st
in the Senate government committee, we heard testimony on a bill that
would put greater security measures on these drop boxes. Members were
informed of evidence from the 2020 election, about the drop boxes. For
example, Maricopa County said that they had over 923,000 ballots that
were dropped off at the drop boxes. However, documentation can only
account for 189,167 ballots. Which means that there’s a deficit of
733,000 ballots. That’s right. Over 733,000 ballots are unaccounted

    So what have we learned? We learned that the big lie is that “this
was a secure election.” I’m sorry, it was not a safe and secure
election. We have so many problems with our process that need to be
followed through. And laws need to be adhered to and complied with.
All of this evidence have been turned over to the Attorney General. Oh
and by the way, every Democrat voted no in committee. We’re looking
forward to the conclusion of the Attorney General’s investigation.

In addition to this investigation, Dinesh D’Souza’s upcoming
documentary, 2000 Mules, is set to expose the widespread voter fraud
and nationwide ballot trafficking operation using commercially
available geo-tracking cell phone data.

    ** BREAKING BOMBSHELL** Dinesh D’Souza Releases Movie Trailer for
“2000 Mules” Exposing Ballot Traffickers Who Stole the 2020 Election

Roughly 90% of voters in Maricopa County “voted” by absentee ballot,
the most in history.

The 2020 election was the most fraudulent election in American History.

Contact Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich to demand arrest warrants.

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