New York: Julian Assange fuelled conspiracy theories by falsely suggesting that 
a murdered Democratic party employee leaked damaging information about Hillary 
Clinton's campaign to WikiLeaks rather than Russian hackers, according to 
special counsel Robert Mueller's report.
A veteran Democratic Party consultant said Mueller's report proved once and for 
all that Assange is "a monster, not a journalist" and that this should not be 
forgotten following his recent arrest in London.

In July 2016 WikiLeaks published approximately 20,000 emails that had been 
stolen from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and later released a 
massive cache of emails that had been sent or received by Clinton's campaign 
manager John Podesta.

Mueller's redacted report, released on Thursday local time, shows that Assange 
repeatedly suggested that Seth Rich, a 27-year old DNC employee who was 
murdered in Washington D.C in 2016, was the source of the leaks.

In the days following Rich's death, right-wing conspiracy theories began 
circulating that he had been assassinated and that his murder was connected to 
the DNC email hack.
The claim has been debunked by multiple fact checking sites and the 
Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia said Rich's murder 
was the result of a bungled attempted robbery.

"Beginning in the summer of 2016, Assange and WikiLeaks made a number of 
statements about Seth Rich, a former DNC staff member who was killed in July 
2016," Mueller's report states in a section on Russian hacking.

"The statements about Rich implied falsely that he had been the source of the 
stolen DNC emails.

On August 9, 2016, the @WikiLeaks Twitter account posted: 'ANNOUNCE: WikiLeaks 
has decided to issue a US$20k reward for information leading to conviction for 
the murder ofDNC staffer Seth Rich.'

Likewise, on August 25, 2016, Assange was asked in an interview, 'Why are you 
so interested in Seth Rich’s killer?' and responded, 'We’re very interested in 
anything that might be a threat to alleged Wikileaks sources.'"

Later in the interview Assange said: "If there’s someone who’s potentially 
connected to our publication, and that person has been murdered in suspicious 
circumstances, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the two are connected.

"But it is a very serious matter...that type of allegation is very serious, as 
it’s taken very seriously by us."

Mueller's report shows that Assange went far further than WikiLeaks' usual 
practice of not revealing its sources. Instead he actively spread 
misinformation about the genesis of the Clinton leaks.

Even after the US intelligence community publicly stated that Russia was behind 
the hacking operation, Assange continued to deny that Russian hackers were 
behind the leaks.

He told Dana Rohrabacher, a former pro-Putin Republican congressman, that the 
hack was an "inside job" and claimed to have evidence that Russia was not 
behind the hacks.

Brad Bauman, a progressive political consultant and former spokesperson for the 
Rich family, said: "Assange did untold damage to a grieving family in order to 
try and hide his work with Russian intelligence to destabilise American 

"In the process he misled hundreds of thousands of Americans who are just 
trying to make sense of our country in difficult and complicated times.

Yesterday’s report proved he is a monster, not a journalist, and I hope that’s 
not lost in the ongoing debate around his recent arrest."

Rich's brother Aaron said: "I hope that the people who pushed, fuelled, spread, 
ran headlines, articles, interviews, talk and opinion shows, or in any way used 
my family’s tragedy to advance their political agendas - despite our pleas that 
what they were saying was not based on any facts - will take responsibility for 
the unimaginable pain they have caused us."

In his report Mueller also quotes private messages by Assange explaining his 
preference that Donald Trump to win the 2016 election rather than Hillary 

Assange described Clinton as "a bright, well connected, sadisitic [sic] 
sociopath" in a November 2015 message.

He also said Clinton would have "greater freedom" to start a war than a 
Republican president.

Having been kicked out of the Ecuadorian embassy in London, Assange faces jail 
time for breaching UK bail laws. He may also be extradited to the US over 
allegations he conspired with former US military analyst Chelsea Manning to 
download classified material about the Iraq War.

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