> keep twitching with godlike powers until i interact with a neighboring small 
> thing

You focus hard and _twitch_! Did it twitch? You're not sure. You can
barely feel it.

You hope it twitched.

You focus hard some more and _twitch_! again!

The second one seemed harder to do, maybe weaker.

You hope you didn't break one of your parts focusing so hard.

With some practice you manage to reach a neighboring cell.

When you touch them, you can faintly recognise them, and then it is as
if you forget.

You are a tiny dying thing amidst a bunch of other tiny dying things,
all bent on surviving and taking down a global dictatorship against
the most extreme odds. You are next to an injured cell. You can
faintly sense that it might be making some kind of broken sudden
motions. It seems like it might be hurting itself, trying so hard to
move when it is so injured.

What do you do?

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