On 5/18/23, grarpamp <grarp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 1/23/23, Georg Koppen <g...@torproject.org> wrote:
>> the 0.4.5 series is going EOL
> There are multiple good reasons NOT to do this arbitrary thing.
> Is the Tor Project Incorporated (TPI) ever going to unbrick all its
> comms channels so that users and everyone else can freely
> see and talk about such tor things and more, or will TPI continue
> to mass censor tor threads, including this one, off all its fora.
> "Tor Stinks  -- NSA, vulns known since before 2012"
> Fuck your cowardly censorship.
> And stop putting tor users at risk.

it's really heartening to see this pot to the tor lists

[i wanted to relate that it looks to me like it is a private
collection of spy groups sustaining a good chunk of the censorship i
encounter, rather than the censored group channels in particular.
these private-appearing groups appear to have people working inside
and influence over the public groups.

i think people used to resist such things by for example suggesting
communication channels move onto more cryptographical sound media]
  • Re: [tor-rel... grarpamp
    • Re: [to... Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many

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