On 5/18/23, Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
<gmk...@gmail.com> wrote:
> it's really heartening to see this post to the tor lists

If you actually bothered to check the tor archives, you would discover
that in fact the "moderator [1]" aka Tor Project Incorporated
has blocked the post off all four of its lists. So no one on them
saw it on any of them.

In fact, Tor Project Incorporated has blocked and refused to post dozens of
perfectly legitimate open posts and points made by multiple people
over the years.

Clearly, Tor Project Incorporated is defrauding its users
from seeing discussing and gaining potential knowledge
and protections regarding tor's not broadly known to users, intentionally
disadvertised and whitewashed away from sight, fatal design flaws
and conflicts of interest, among other problems.

Tor Project Incorporated is thus putting its users at substantial risk.

Tor Project Incorporated is plainly resorting to CENSORSHIP to
hide some embarassing things... including its GovMil designed funded
and operationally governed software, and Govt funded programs and Govt
funded staff's career monied interests above users, and certainly now many
might say is suspect of keeping its design weak to support its ties to user
adversaries such as the GovMil NSA CIA and partner entities incl ISP threats.
Tor design has stayed 25 years old, while threats advanced light years, yet
Tor Project Incorporated chooses silence refusing to even publicly speculating
on design weakness in such wide public needed and vocal manner so as to
inform warn users of some real issues. Yet CIA and more now advertise
to "Use Tor". Such SpyVeillors, DataMiners, and agencies and entities are not
willfully in the habit of globally recommending that which they cannot crack.
Tor is presenting a growing discongruence with at least now huge advancements in
adversarial capabilities if not dire abject realworld application, and
no one is talking about it.

TPI is so afraid of embarassing things that even after declaring
themselves to be
hypocrites "bricking up" fora counter to their faux professed free
speech principles,
thus killing their lists, that they still laughably CENSOR those dead lists.

Tor Project has been caught disencouraging vulnerability researchers.

And caught acknowledging its intentional extensive censorship of its fora.

TPI must be held to account.

tor needs to be forked.

And other completely new overlay network designs need to be created,
coded,  openly competed, and rolled out into operation.

[1] Moderator: noun, one who facilitates free open conversations,
not one who total blanket CENSORBANS all conversations and topics
off all channels entirely.

"Tor Stinks  -- NSA, vulns known since before 2012"

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