Corrupt Zuckerberg Facebook Admits He Censored For Biden Dem Regime

Zuckerberg and his $Billions Corrupted and Stole Elections Both
On The Ground and In Cyberspace...

"We Shouldn't Have Done It": Facebook Exec Admitted They Censored For
Biden Regime

Update (1440ET): A leaked Facebook email from 2021 written by Nick
Clegg, the company's president of Global Affairs, to colleagues,
reads: "We were under pressure from the administration and others to
do more," adding "We shouldn't have done it."

As Matt Taibbi of Racket News writes:

In yesterday’s Facebook Files release, it came out that Facebook, in
its desperation to cool down these White House apes, promised to
reduce traffic to Carlson’s video by 50% while it was “in the queue to
be fact-checked”!

Apart from the obvious, why was this insane? Because while the White
House fumed and outlets like the Washington Post excoriated Carlson
for a “just asking questions… shtick,” it turned out he was asking the
right questions.

Why, if the vaccine worked, was Anthony Fauci telling people they
shouldn’t “attend medium to large gatherings” or remove masks? “If
vaccines work,” Carlson asked, “why are vaccinated people still banned
from living normal lives?” Similarly: why was Justin Trudeau saying,
“Vaccination on its own isn’t enough to keep us safe,” if the shot
worked? Maybe, Carlson speculated, the vaccine doesn’t work?

These were obvious and appropriate questions, but officials and
journalists alike killed Carlson for them anyway. YouTube is still
packed with TUCKER DISINFO DERP videos that are, themselves, actually

Subscribers to Racket News can read the rest here...

*  *  *

Representative Jim Jordan came out with a series of released and
unredacted emails provided to a Congressional committee from Facebook
(full Facebook Files below), showing the massive pressure the White
House and other entities put on the social media giant during the

The purpose was to quash narratives and even memes that the White
House took umbrage with.

This has become all too familiar.

As Summit News' Steve Watson reports, Rep. Jordan spoke out on Fox
News after releasing the documents were released proving that the
Biden administration pressured Meta to aggressively censor Americans
expressing opinions they disagreed with on Facebook and Instagram.

    “They knew it was wrong,” Jordan told Fox News host Laura Ingraham, adding:

    “One of those Facebook executives said ‘This is a significant
incursion into the boundaries of free expression.’ That is a fancy way
of saying this violates the First Amendment for goodness sake.”

The executive Jordan was referring to is Nick Clegg, Facebook’s
president for global affairs.

    “The White House was outraged, because Jen Psaki stood there at
the podium what you played, in the White House and demanded this
happen because the White House was demanding it and they wanted to
keep their cozy relationship with the Biden Administration, they
censored First Amendment speech,” Jordan continued.

The Congressman also referred to a Federal Judge issuing a recent
injunction to put a stop to the Biden Administration acting like an
“Orwellian Ministry Of Truth” by colluding with big tech to censor
opinions it doesn’t like, much to the disliking of the establishment

    “We had that great federal court decision on July 4th in the
Western District of Louisiana, great decision,” Jordan said, adding

    “So, I don’t think it’s going on now. But we got make sure it
doesn’t go on in the future, it doesn’t happen because we have this
amazing thing in greatest country ever called the First Amendment.”

Jordan continued, “Rand Paul and I have introduced legislation… which
would say if you are in the government and doing what was happening
there, you get fired, you don’t get your pension benefits, there could
be civil liability that you are subject to, you lose any security
clearance you may have.”

    “We want real penalties for people in the government engaging what
Professor [Jonathan] Turley called this censorship by surrogate,”
Jordan added.

Watch the full interview below:

*  *  *


Never-before-released internal documents subpoenaed by the Judiciary
Committee PROVE that Facebook and Instagram censored posts and changed
their content moderation policies because of unconstitutional pressure
from the Biden White House.

During the first half of 2021, social media companies like Facebook
faced tremendous pressure from the Biden White House—both publicly and
privately—to crack down on alleged “misinformation.”

In April 2021, a Facebook employee circulated an email for Facebook
CEO Mark Zuckerberg and COO Sheryl Sandberg, writing: “We are facing
continued pressure from external stakeholders, including the [Biden]
White House” to remove posts.

In another April 2021 email, Nick Clegg, Facebook’s president for
global affairs, informed his team at Facebook that Andy Slavitt, a
Senior Advisor to President Biden, was “outraged . . . that [Facebook]
did not remove” a particular post.

What did the Biden White House want removed? A meme. That’s right,
even memes weren’t spared from the Biden White House’s censorship

When Clegg “countered that removing content like that would represent
a significant incursion into traditional boundaries of free expression
in the US,” Slavitt disregarded the warning and the First Amendment.

What happened next? Facebook panicked. In another April 2021 email,
Brian Rice, Facebook’s VP of public policy, raised the concern that
Slavitt’s challenge felt “very much like a crossroads for us with the
[Biden] White House in these early days.”

But Facebook wanted to repair its relationship with the White House to
avoid adverse action: “Given what is at stake here, it would also be a
good idea if we could regroup and take stock of where we are in our
relations with the [White House], and our internal methods too.”

This wasn’t the first time that the Biden White House was angry that
Facebook didn’t censor more. According to these documents, the Biden
White House demanded to know why Facebook had not censored a video
from @TuckerCarlson

So, Facebook prepped its response.

To appease the Biden White House, talking points were drafted for
Clegg. Facebook was ready to tell the White House that it had demoted
a video posted by Tucker Carlson by 50 percent in response to the
White House’s demands, even though the post didn’t violate any

Public pressure mounted as well. In July 2021, President Biden
publicly denounced Facebook and other social media platforms, claiming
they were “killing people” by not censoring alleged “misinformation.”

On August 2, 2021, Facebook admitted it was going to change its
policies because of pressure from the Biden White House.

August 2, 2021: “[Facebook’s] Leadership asked Misinfo Policy . . . to
brainstorm some additional policy levers we can pull to be more
aggressive against . . . misinformation. This is stemming from the
continued criticism of our approach from the [Biden] administration.”

But it wasn’t just the White House. Facebook also changed its policies
in direct response to pressure from Biden’s Surgeon General, censoring
members of the “disinformation dozen.”

These documents, AND OTHERS that were just produced to the Committee,
prove that the Biden administration abused its powers to coerce
Facebook into censoring Americans, preventing free and open discourse
on issues of critical public importance.

Only after the Committee announced its intention to hold Mark
Zuckerberg in contempt did Facebook produce ANY internal documents to
the Committee, including these documents, which PROVE that government
pressure was directly responsible for censorship on Facebook.

Based on Facebook’s newfound commitment to fully cooperate with the
Committee’s investigation, the Committee has decided to hold contempt
in abeyance. For now. To be clear, contempt is still on the table and
WILL be used if Facebook fails to cooperate in FULL.

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