US Democrats aka Socialists are criminals hell bent on destruction.
Their so called leaders and the entire US White House needs
removed from political office and influence forever.

They are now importing 100,000 per month via trainload,
all men, no language, no money, no skills, lots of criminals, and
explicitly non-integrating and non-integratable cultures and religions.

These are not "asylees" "persecuted" "refugees" or anything else.
They are coming solely for the free entry for the free shit.
They are political pawns, they are being given ID's and shipped
to strategic cities, they will be given the Vote via Democrat
fraud and psyop trickery, and then they, in combination with the
US Socialists aka Democrats, will destroy your country just like
they refused to rise up and fix their own shit in their own countries,
the easy path (leaving your responsibility) is never the right path,
now you have two total losses, the place you left, and the place
you went to, and no place left to go but further downfall. The
incompatible invasion of Europe already proved the starting effects.

You're fucked in the USA, courtesy Democrats, Global Socialists,
and Elites who want nothing more than all of humanity enslaved,
all pockets of uninvaded unique necessary for evolution destroyed
under mass preplanned and forced brutal global homogenization AI 1984.

History shows the only solution to abdicated responsibilities
and Socialism is reboot, and the DNA of Nature's demands
there isn't pretty. Good luck.

Costa Rica Declares State Of Emergency As Migrant Crisis Rocks Americas

Costa Rica's President Rodrigo Chaves declared a state of emergency on
Tuesday as the number of migrants passing through the Central American
country on the way toward the US surges, Reuters reported.

"I have instructed the security ministry to take a firm stance with
anyone who takes Costa Rica's kindness for weakness," Chavez older
reporters, referring to recent riots caused by migrants crossing the

Chavez explained the tsunami of migrants is coming from Ecuador,
Venezuela, Colombia, Haiti, Yemen, Bangladesh, and even China. He
noted, "We all know that throughout the Americas there is a migration

Since the beginning of the year, nearly 400,000 migrants have crossed
the border from Panama into Costa Rica.

    The migrant crisis is only going to escalate moving forward.
Biden’s complete lack of action has signaled to millions that
American’s borders are completely open and the blue states’ decisions
to subsidize them with free housing, jobs and care might as well be a
red carpet…
    — Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) September 27, 2023

Costa Rica's migrant chaos comes as President Biden's disastrous open
southern border crisis has sparked a record-breaking month for August.
According to the US Customs and Border Protection, 232,972 migrants
were encountered at the US-Mexico border in August.

Biden greenlighted migrants worldwide in a June 20 statement marking
World Refugee Day: "Welcoming refugees is part of who we are as
Americans – our nation was founded by those fleeing religious
persecution. When we take action to help refugees around the world,
and include them, we honor this past and are stronger for it."

In recent weeks, all hell has broken out at Eagle Pass, Texas, and
other border crossings as migrants flood the southern border via an
easy commute through Mexico by freight train.

    Holy sh*t.

    New video shows a massive train loaded with illegal migrants
headed for the US border.
    — End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) September 17, 2023

    NEW - Drone footage reveals hundreds of migrants on trains headed
for Eagle Pass, Texas, and the U.S. southern
    — KanekoaTheGreat (@KanekoaTheGreat) September 26, 2023

    Waves of undocumented migrants have disembarked from the trains in
Mexico and are hiking the final 20 miles in to Eagle Pass, Texas.
    — Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) September 27, 2023

Law-abiding taxpayers need to ask why the Biden administration is
pushing disastrous open border policies to flood illegals into metro
areas ahead of the presidential election. These devastating policies
are against the will of the majority and only supported by a fringe
minority of political elites and progressive billionaires.

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