Leftist Media Call Trump-Supporters "Far-Right"... For What?

Authored by Jack Hellner via AmericanThinker.com,

As far as I can tell, anyone who supports Trump - say, Jim Jordan - is
labeled hard right.

So which policies made Trump far-right, according to the media and
other Democrats?

Enforcing border laws that Congress passed and building a wall?  The
public seems to support that, so that would be a middle-of-the-road

Opposes sanctuary cities and states.  It appears that the leftists who
claimed they were sanctuaries are rethinking their disastrous

Being tough on crime instead of supporting soft-on-crime D.A.s.  That
is not unpopular.

Supporting limits on abortion.  Two thirds of Americans support
limiting abortion to the first thirteen or fifteen weeks, just like

Supporting lower tax rates and fewer regulations.  Those are not
unpopular positions.  In fact, they lifted up the people at the bottom
of the economic ladder.  Real wages rose rapidly, and poverty hit a
record low at the end of 2019.  How can that be hard right?

Opposing the teaching that the U.S. is a racist country.

Trump repeatedly denounced white supremacists just like almost all Americans.

Trump didn’t want people to be fired for refusing to take a vaccine
just like most Americans.

Trump moved rapidly to get schools and businesses back open after the
initial shutdown.  That is certainly not a far-right position.

Trump supports school choice for the poor, just like the majority of
Americans, especially minorities.

Trump opposes allowing men to compete against women, just like most
Americans.  He opposes allowing men to expose themselves in women’s
locker rooms.

Trump supported drilling and energy independence.  That kept inflation
low and helped the poor, the middle class, and small businesses.

Trump does not believe that climate change is the greatest existential threat.

Trump sought to make NATO pay what they were supposed to.  Why would
that be an unpopular policy or far-right?

Trump moved the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, just as Congress and
previous presidents had promised.

Trump put a squeeze on Iran.  Why would it be far-right to cut off
funding from a country that pledges death to America and death to

Trump and his son-in-law made great progress in the Middle East with
the Abraham accords.  That certainly is not hard-right.

Trump challenged the 2020 election, just like how Democrats challenged
the 2000, 2004, and 2016 election.  There is nothing far-right about
challenging elections.

Trump told people to march peacefully and patriotically to the capital
to protest the election.  What is far-right about peace and

Trump told the Germans they were stupid to rely on Russia for their
energy.  He was right.

Putin has attacked Ukraine while Obama and Biden were president, not Trump.

Trump asked Ukraine to investigate the Bidens for corruption.  It
would be a dereliction of duty for a president to learn of corruption
and not investigate.  Sadly, the media and other Democrats impeached
him for doing his job.

Basically, Republicans like Trump and Jordan are called far-right by
the media and other Democrats to intentionally mislead the public,
just as they did with the fictional Russian collusion story.

Democrats don’t want to debate their leftist policies because they are
unpopular so they always go to the same playbook.  Call Republicans
sexists, bigots, racists, and far- or hard-right.  They sure don’t
care that the corrupt Clintons and Bidens have lined their pockets
with illegal kickbacks for years.

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