The coming global and permanent removal of all Govt will be fun...
In Crypto we trust.

Oct 21
Companies prefer ongoing subscriptions to one-off purchases because
they’re reliable revenue. The political analogy would be an ongoing
delegation of authority as opposed to a one-off vote. It’d give more
reliable political support. Like liquid democracy or corporate
Oct 20
Meanwhile, the engineers who started with nothing but their proverbial
garage have delivered things that are internationally competitive, and
on the ascent. Yeah, it’s your email, your smartphone, and your
internet services — but also your artificial intelligence, your
electric cars, and your reusable rockets. Without Elon, NASA is far
behind China[1]. Without tech, the flailing S&P 500 is the drowning
S&P 493[2]. Without the Internet, there is no alternative to the false
news printed by the New York Times and the false narratives
promulgated by Harvard. This is why establishment hacks hate the
Internet — because it's a source of parallel elites, and parallel
institutions. And they don't want the competition. [1]:… [2]:…
Oct 20
LOSING THE MANDATE OF HEAVEN Let’s be real: US political leaders since
the Gulf War are perhaps the worst leaders in the history of the
world. In 1991, they inherited a hyperpower that wins everywhere
without fighting. But by 2021 they produced a declining power that
fights everywhere without winning. It’s thirty years of unmitigated
domestic and international failure, from San Francisco to Syria, from
financial crisis to coronavirus. With every inherited advantage, US
leaders nevertheless produced historical collapses in life
expectancy[1] and manufacturing capacity[2], in patriotic loyalty and
involvement in community[3]. They also delivered concomitant rises in
drug overdoses[4], out-of-wedlock births[5], and homeless
encampments[6]. And no, they have no historical, philosophical, or
literary depth. The historical analogies begin and end with 1939. The
philosophy is little more than constant accusations of racism. And the
reading level of US presidential speeches has measurably[7] dropped
like a rock, to idiocratically elementary levels. The only thing the
establishment *has* delivered on is their own bottom line. Think about
Pelosi’s stocks[8], BLM’s mansions[9], Obama’s book deals, and 10% for
the big guy. The corruption is now flagrant and public. As others have
observed, we’re in the looting-the-treasury phase of imperial
collapse, as the national debt soars past $33T with literally no limit
in sight. STUPID, OR EVIL? And that's what leads to the "conspiracy
theories." Are US leaders stupid, or evil? Did they unintentionally
ruin what was once the greatest country on earth, or was it
intentional and done for their own gain? The conspiracy theories are a
way for mere proles to make sense of the senseless. They aren't all
wrong, mind you — WMD was fake, the AAA mortgage-backed securities
were fake, Russiagate was fake, and so on. Evil was involved in
intentionally faking these stories. But ultimately, thinking of US
leadership as evil gives them too much credit. It's just hard to
remain global #1. The nature of entropy means there are countless ways
for the world order to shatter, and only a few ways to keep it intact.
Maybe George Washington could find one of those ways, but we have Joe
Biden. And that's why DC is losing the Mandate of Heaven[10]. [1]:… [2]:… [3]: [4]:… [5]:… [6]: [7]:… [8]:… [9]:… [10]:…
Dmitry Grozoubinski @DmitryOpines
Oct 19
Part of the tech-bro to conspiracy-bro pipeline is the phenomenon of
men who spent their formative years ignoring and disdaining anything
but coding, gaming or tech now noticing politics and global affairs
for the first time and refusing to believe this is how the world

Oct 20
This is why they want you to decelerate. The Decels and govt want to
rob you with inflation to pay down their debts. The other choice is to
accelerate. Don't let them psyop you into submission with doom and
gloom. Technology is the great deflationary force. Optimism is an act
of rebellion. Create, build, expand, own what you build. It is the
only way to fight this top-down vs bottom-up monetary war. Go forth
and accelerate, anon.

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