> "Border isn't about "amnesty" "migration" or any other term... it's
> about one thing and one thing only CORRUPT COMMIE GLOBALIST
> @elonmusk
> Bidens strategy is very simple:
> 1. Get as many illegals in the country as possible.
> 2. Legalize them to create a permanent majority a one-party state.
> That is why they are encouraging so much illegal immigration.
> Simple, yet effective.

It was always the plan
“…a pathway to citizenship for our nation's 11 million undocumented
immigrants is the only way to maintain [Democrats] electoral strength
in the future…” Centre for American Progress (2013)

Ep. 71 Bret Weinstein traveled to the Darien Gap to
understand who's behind the invasion of our country.
His conclusion: “it's not a friendly migration.”

A call for Jihad right inside the USA, from Minnesota’s Islamic
Center, in chilling calls echoing Ilhan Omar’s recent speech in which
she incited dangerous ethno-fascist greater Somalia ideology, calling
for violent attacks against Somaliland & Ethiopia.

NEW - 13-year-old girl gang raped in Catania, Italy. Seven
perpetrators of Egyptian origin arrested — RAI

National from Mali with an Italian residence permit stabbed 3 people
at a railway station in Paris, police say — Le Parisien

Calls for an Islamic "intifada revolution" in London.

Watch what happens when you bring the illegal aliens to the homes of
top Democrat politicians. Video below. 👇🏻 #CloseTheBorder
MUST WATCH: “Nancy Pelosi’s Wall” This is a short film I made in 2019
about our current immigration crisis and the need for a border wall on
the Southern border and tougher immigration laws to stop the INVASION
of our nation. I drove from Arizona to the Mexican border, filmed
myself crossing in through the Mexican side, and then I brought
illegal aliens from Mexico and Guatemala to Nancy Pelosi’s mansion and
claimed sanctuary on her lawn. Democrat Speaker of the House Nancy
Pelosi @SpeakerPelosi said everyone is welcome here in the United
States, and went as far as saying building a wall on the border "is an
immorality, and not who we are as a country". I decided to put Speaker
Pelosi's own words to test by bringing three amigos, who happen to be
illegal aliens from Mexico and Guatemala, to her estate in Sanctuary
State California, where we hopped her fence and pitched a sanctuary
city on her lawn. Along with seeking sanctuary on Pelosi's lawn, we
discovered Nancy Pelosi LOCKS HER DOORS! As you can see, we weren’t
able to get inside Nancy's kitchen to make sandwiches. After getting
word that 3 illegal aliens and I had pitched a sanctuary tent on her
lawn, Pelosi called the police and had us deported from her
multi-million dollar Napa Valley Mansion. Perhaps if Democrats and
@JoeBiden want to continue the invasion of our country, we should send
the illegals to their home.

In 1981, the New York Times reported that Mar-a-Lago was for sale for
$20 million. Now, 43 years later New York Judge Engoron expects you to
believe that Mar-a-Lago has not appreciated a cent, and is actually
worth $18 million. Lol.

Washington state diverted $340 million in federal "COVID funds" to
illegal immigrants, including via $1,000 checks

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