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Mar 6
CNN's Van Jones: If Trump Wins, You're Going to See Russian Tanks and
Horror Across Europe, American Soldiers Dying 🙄🙄🙄 ACOSTA: "What
must President Biden do to earn those Nikki Haley's supporters?"
JONES: "He needs to talk to her donors and supporters and say, if a
year from now, you want to watch Russian tanks rolling through Europe,
then, you know, endorse Donald Trump and get on that bandwagon. But
understand, you're going to wake up one morning, and you're going to
see horror across Europe; you're going to have American soldiers and
sailors having to go over there and do something that we could have
done with dollars we have to do with — with blood." Last time I
checked, @VanJones68, Putin annexed Crimea in 2014 under Obama and
invaded Ukraine in 2022 under Biden? Moreover, isn't Biden currently
involved in wars in Israel, Palestine, and Yemen? And weren't Obama
and Biden involved in wars in Libya, Syria, and Yemen? In contrast,
Trump was the first president in four decades to keep the United
States out of new wars, contributing to a relatively peaceful planet
during his tenure in office, right?
KanekoaTheGreat retweeted
Biden, who is overseeing unprecedented and dangerous efforts to
imprison and bankrupt his political opponent, says "revenge,
retribution, and resentment" is not his way of doing things.
NEW: Media Matters asserts that @elonmusk's @X lawsuit lacks evidence
of them contacting any 𝕏 advertisers or publicly criticizing them for
advertising on 𝕏. However, there are multiple examples of Media
Matters CEO Angelo Carusone publicly urging advertisers to boycott
Elon Musk and 𝕏 on this very platform. In May 2022, Carusone even
advocated for advertisers to include "escape clauses" in their
"multiyear deals" with Twitter in case Musk successfully acquired the
company. Despite positioning itself as a media watchdog, Media
Matters, founded by Clinton ally David Brock, operates as a DNC front
group, strategically coordinating advertiser boycotts to stifle the
voices of Republicans. Notably, they have orchestrated advertiser
boycotts against prominent political right figures, including FOX
News, Glenn Beck, Tucker Carlson, and Sean Hannity. In a shocking
federal lawsuit, @rumblevideo alleges a Media Matters employee
obsessively refreshed a fringe video on Rumble over 70 times until he
found a Netflix ad that could be used as fodder for a public pressure
campaign. Despite being the sole viewer of that Netflix ad next to the
fringe video, Media Matters falsely insinuated in an article that
Netflix ads frequently accompanied fringe content on Rumble, coercing
advertisers to abandon the platform. On @X, Media Matters accessed
accounts active for 30 days, bypassing ad filters for new users, and
selectively followed accounts with fringe content and those owned by
X's major corporate advertisers. After extensively scrolling and
refreshing their timeline—13 times more than an average user—they
generated screenshots of the fringe content they were following next
to X's top advertisers. Media Matters' defamation was so fabricated
that IBM, Comcast, and Oracle had their ads appear next to fringe
content for just one account—an employee of Media Matters—out of over
550 million active users on @X. Media Matters conveniently omitted
these details in their reporting, avoiding the fact that their
reporters manipulated the platform to create fringe content next to
major corporate advertisers. It's noteworthy that Media Matters
resorted to such manipulative tactics more than a year after they
began pressuring advertisers to boycott Elon Musk and 𝕏. Ironically,
𝕏's ad filters must be highly effective if Media Matters had to
resort to such deceptive measures. TIMELINE & ANGELO CARUSONE'S
TWEETS: May 2, 2022: Media Matters publishes a letter demanding that
advertisers boycott Musk's Twitter if it does not continue the
censorship. May 4, 2022: "Good evening @WNBA. Today, you all signed a
new multiyear deal w/Twitter. Twitter is likely to change ownership
soon. New owner is promising to remove current Twitter policies
preventing harassment and abuse. Did you all put an escape clause in
deal if the new owner does that?" May 4, 2022: "Good evening @Essence.
Today, you signed an expanded deal w/Twitter for 2023. Twitter is
likely to change ownership soon. New owner is promising to remove
current Twitter policies preventing harassment and abuse. Did you put
an escape clause in deal if the new owner does that?" May 4, 2022:
"Today Twitter held an event w/advertisers and potential content
partners to sell and lock in ad revenue and partnerships for 2023. We
have been asking advertisers and content partners to be smart and
protect themselves against likely dramatic changes to Twitter...
Accordingly, it's important that any advertiser or content inking a
deal now puts in place very specific measures that allow them to walk
away if Musk makes some of the changes he is promising to make...
Twitter did announce partnerships with @WNBA, @Essence, @revolttv,
@enews and @CondeNast. What is not yet clear is whether those content
partners were strategic and gave themselves the ability to walk if
Musk makes his promised dramatic changes that will erode brand
safety... I sure hope those companies were smart and structured good
deals. If they didn't, then they will be locked in regardless of what
Musk does. They're not being asked to do anything other than act in
their own self-interest here." Oct 27, 2022: "There are actual
pressure points still. Namely, i) Twitter's advertisers; and, ii)
Apple and Google app stores... Twitter's major advertisers should make
it clear right now that if Musk rolls back the brand safety policies
that he has said he was going to roll back, that they plan on walking
immediately. Twitter's top 20 advertisers here: (Link to a Media
Matter's article naming Amazon, Apple, IBM, Pepsi, Coca-Cola, and
Disney, among other top advertisers.)" Oct 28, 2022: "Thread about
some of Twitter's major advertisers and a few observations or things
these companies should probably be forced to explain... For starters,
here are Twitter's current top 20 advertisers (link to Media Matters'
article). Collectively, they have spent over $350M on Twitter ads so
far this year. It's worth checking out the full list. What's
interesting is that, so far, none of these companies have publicly
said that they want Twitter to retain their brand safety and community
safeguards. To be clear, I don't think these companies need to pull
their ads from Twitter...yet. But, I do think that they need to make
it clear to Musk/Twitter that they will walk if Musk follows through
with his promises to roll back brand safety and community safeguards."
Oct 28, 2022: "For starters, @CocaCola needs to be pressed about why
they increased their ads on Twitter after Musk started his takeover...
because they increased their ads in a dramatic way, they now put
themselves in the spotlight." Oct 28, 2022: "Similar to Coke,
@unileverusa also increased their ad spend on Twitter in recent
months... Accordingly, the questions for @unileverusa are same as the
ones for Coca Cola. I'd be really surprised if this was intended to
express support for Musk. Still, because of the spike, they need to be
asked if they're keeping tabs on platform as they assess future ad
buys." Oct 28, 2022: "I put @HBO on short list because they are by far
Twitter's current biggest advertiser. They put soo much money into
Twitter (about $60M so far this year alone). HBO needs to be pressed
about where they stand on Musk's promises to roll back community
safeguards." Oct 28, 2022: "I put @apple on the list for two reasons.
Number 1 - They're apple. They're incredibly brand aware. And they
absolutely do not need Twitter at all to sell their products. Number 2
- This is actually a bit more serious. But, Apple is a key player here
... well beyond ads." Oct 31, 2022: "Major Twitter advertisers and
media buyers need to be putting pressure on Twitter right now... Their
inaction now will have brand consequences later." Nov 1, 2022: Media
Matters and 40 left-leaning organizations publish an open letter to
Twitter's top advertisers calling on them to halt advertising on the
platform if Musk cuts back on censorship. Nov 1, 2022: "This is
significant --> Today, more than 40 organizations signed a letter to
Twitter's major advertisers urging them to commit to pulling ads if
Musk follows through with promises to roll back community safeguards
and scale back content moderation..." Nov 3, 2022: "I'm not the only
one who in addition to feeling angry and annoyed and concerned is also
a little sad about Musk's needless destruction of Twitter. Anyway.
Time for a little snack and a few last minute emails to Twitter
advertisers before bed. Onward!" Nov 4, 2022: "Typically, Twitter
sells like ~600-900M in ads at new fronts. That's guaranteed revenue
for following year. This year, they didn't sell much of anything. A
coalition called Stop The Deal (Media Matters and other far-left
organizations) spent time educating and using media buyers and big
advertisers at the event to ask Twitter some basic questions about
potential Musk takeover before giving him a guaranteed income for
2023... Twitter from what I understand basically sold almost nothing
and locked in extremely little 2023 revenue. This means that instead
of heading into 2023 with 15-20% of 2023 already secured as they
typically would have, Twitter heads into next year with almost none of
that." Nov 7, 2022: "I know of at least 18 companies stopping ads on
Twitter that haven't been publicly reported yet - a bunch that *were*
top advertisers until recently... Twitter's Top 20 advertisers account
for roughly 10% of all Twitter's revenue. Losing many/most/all of them
will have significant effect." Nov 7, 2022: "Allianz will stop ads on
Twitter. (Many many more announcements to follow)." Nov 13, 2022:
"Good evening @MerrillLynch. Why should anyone trust you with their
money when you continue advertising with Twitter despite its risks.
Dozens of companies already pulled their ads and many major buyers are
warning advertisers that Twitter is a brand risk. Please reconsider."
Nov 22, 2022: "New Report: Twitter's Quiet Quitters It's around a
billion in losses and this report barely scratches the surface of the
depths of ad losses (link to Media Matters' article "In less than a
month, Elon Musk has driven away half of Twitter's top 100
advertisers)." Nov 28, 2022: "RE Apple & Twitter/Musk: I just want
note that Apple has actually increased their daily spend over the past
30 days, not decreased it. The majority of Twitter's top advertisers
have already stopped advertising, but weirdly, Apple has gone in the
opposite direction." Nov 17, 2023: "Apple just announced they're
pulling their ads from from X/Twitter is very significant for 3
reasons: 1) X needs the App Store. It's very hard/nearly impossible
for Apple to fairly enforce App Store rules when they're one of
biggest advertisers. Now the conflict is gone. 2) Apple was a very big
spender (one of top advertisers) and even more relevant was one of few
companies that increased spend over the past year. 3) X/Twitter would
often point to Apple's presence as evidence that the platform was
brand safe. It's going to a lot harder for them to slow the advertiser
losses without Apple's presence to point to." Nov 17, 2023: "Here are
the companies that have pulled ads from Twitter over the past 24
hours: IBM Apple Comcast/NBCU Lions Gate Disney Warner Brothers
Discovery Paramount (IBM, Comcast/NBCU, Apple were 3 of the top 6 ad
spenders on the platform. Big losses.)" Elon Musk has publicly stated
that Twitter suppressed Republicans ten times more than Democrats, and
Media Matters, a far-left organization, is actively engaging in
pressuring advertisers to continue this censorship.
KanekoaTheGreat retweeted
Elon Musk
Replying to @KanekoaTheGreat
KanekoaTheGreat retweeted
ALX 🇺🇸
This is how the Democrat activist Attorney General Letitia James, who
is going after Donald Trump in New York, was greeted by the FDNY. With
“Trump” chants and boos. The political lawfare will backfire..
The European Farmer Revolution Will Not Be Televised
KanekoaTheGreat retweeted
Chief Nerd
🔥 Riley Gaines on What Pushed Her to Fight to Protect Women's Sports
"Really what we're applauding is our own erasure. Our own
demolition...How in the world can we as women, as female athletes,
expect someone to stand up for us if we aren't even willing to stand
up for us? This has to come from us...It wasn't until this official
reduced everything that we had worked our entire lives for down to a
photo op to validate the feelings and the identity of a man at the
expense of our own." @joerogan @Riley_Gaines_
KanekoaTheGreat retweeted
Marco Polo
What @danielsgoldman wants is for @X to censor this Report about his
buddies @JoeBiden & @HunterBiden: BidenReport.com
🚨NEW: Rep. Dan Goldman Laments Republicans For Attempting to Stop
Government Censorship of American Citizens: "The First Amendment Is
Not Absolute" "We all agree with the First Amendment, but the problem
is that the First Amendment is not absolute. There are limits." "What
this committee has been trying to do for the last year and a half is
to chill the federal government from monitoring what is going on on
social media." "So that misinformation and disinformation can run
rampant on @elonmusk's social platform and every other social platform
so that they the Republicans can benefit from it in November's
election." While Twitter and Facebook allowed the Trump-Russia
Collusion disinformation to spread unchecked for years, a true story
about Joe Biden's corruption and his son's laptop was censored weeks
before the 2020 election. The 2020 election and COVID-19 were the two
most censored events in American history, with a Department of
Homeland Security-backed censorship consortium censoring millions of
social media posts. @RepDanGoldman is worried about Republicans
obstructing the federal government's ability to censor social media
platforms because Democrats rely on government censorship to shape the
narrative and influence election outcomes. It's disheartening to
witness the modern Democrat Party openly endorsing government
censorship of American citizens.
Illegal Immigrant in Eagle Pass, Texas Wears Biden-Harris 2020 Shirt:
"I Have It on So They Can Let Me In" Video: @GriffJenkins
KanekoaTheGreat retweeted
Elon Musk
Most Americans are still unaware that the census counts ALL people,
including illegal immigrants, for deciding how many House seats each
state gets! This results in Dem states getting roughly 20 more House
seats, which is another strong incentive for them not to deport
🚨NEW: Rep. Dan Goldman Laments Republicans For Attempting to Stop
Government Censorship of American Citizens: "The First Amendment Is
Not Absolute" "We all agree with the First Amendment, but the problem
is that the First Amendment is not absolute. There are limits." "What
this committee has been trying to do for the last year and a half is
to chill the federal government from monitoring what is going on on
social media." "So that misinformation and disinformation can run
rampant on @elonmusk's social platform and every other social platform
so that they the Republicans can benefit from it in November's
election." While Twitter and Facebook allowed the Trump-Russia
Collusion disinformation to spread unchecked for years, a true story
about Joe Biden's corruption and his son's laptop was censored weeks
before the 2020 election. The 2020 election and COVID-19 were the two
most censored events in American history, with a Department of
Homeland Security-backed censorship consortium censoring millions of
social media posts. @RepDanGoldman is worried about Republicans
obstructing the federal government's ability to censor social media
platforms because Democrats rely on government censorship to shape the
narrative and influence election outcomes. It's disheartening to
witness the modern Democrat Party openly endorsing government
censorship of American citizens.
CNN Anchor Left Stunned When Gold Star Mom Says that Biden Has Never
Reached Out to Her Family About Her Daughter-In-Law’s Death During
Afghanistan Withdrawal "We’ve actually reached out to the White House
and have never heard back." PHILLIP: “President Biden, he's often
called the consoler in chief. He does talk to families who've lost
loved ones because of his own experiences. Have you experienced that
from him as you've been coping with the death of Nicole?” SHAMBLIN:
“No.” PHILLIP: “Have you spoken to him?” SHAMBLIN: “No, he has not
reached out to our family. We've actually reached out to the White
House and have never heard back. We asked to meet with them to kind of
understand where their thinking was in calling this a success, and
we've not received a response. It's been months. No, that's not been
our experience at all.” PHILLIP: “Sorry to hear that.” Marine Sgt.
Nicole Gee, 23, was one of thirteen U.S. service members killed at
Kabul Airport during a chaotic 2021 Afghanistan withdrawal.
KanekoaTheGreat retweeted
Mar 6
CNN's Van Jones: If Trump Wins, You're Going to See Russian Tanks and
Horror Across Europe, American Soldiers Dying 🙄🙄🙄 ACOSTA: "What
must President Biden do to earn those Nikki Haley's supporters?"
JONES: "He needs to talk to her donors and supporters and say, if a
year from now, you want to watch Russian tanks rolling through Europe,
then, you know, endorse Donald Trump and get on that bandwagon. But
understand, you're going to wake up one morning, and you're going to
see horror across Europe; you're going to have American soldiers and
sailors having to go over there and do something that we could have
done with dollars we have to do with — with blood." Last time I
checked, @VanJones68, Putin annexed Crimea in 2014 under Obama and
invaded Ukraine in 2022 under Biden? Moreover, isn't Biden currently
involved in wars in Israel, Palestine, and Yemen? And weren't Obama
and Biden involved in wars in Libya, Syria, and Yemen? In contrast,
Trump was the first president in four decades to keep the United
States out of new wars, contributing to a relatively peaceful planet
during his tenure in office, right?
KanekoaTheGreat retweeted
The Vigilant Fox 🦊
Mar 6
.@ElonMusk Reveals the Disturbing Truth Behind Democrats’ Push for
Illegal Immigration Following news that 320,000 illegal immigrants
have been secretly flown into the country, Musk wrote: “It is obvious
to anyone who is not a fool that this administration is deliberately
importing vast numbers of illegals. “No grand conspiracy theory is
needed to explain this, just simple incentives: they are far more
likely to vote Democrat than Republican. “This is why Dems are
constantly pushing to legalize illegals and won’t deport them, even
when they are arrested for crime, which otherwise seem … I dunno …
like an opportune time (shrug emoji). “If illegals can beat up
American police on camera in Times Square, be released without bail,
and get rewarded with free tickets to California, what more do you
need to know?” He went on to say: “This is obvious. “Incentives drive
behavior. “Until the loss of votes from ushering in vast numbers of
illegal immigrants exceeds the likely gain of votes over time (as they
are gradually legalized), the Democratic Party has a strong incentive
to maximize illegal immigration.” Thanks, @Timcast, for covering this
Mar 6
Extraordinary footage captures the moment a helicopter experiences an
engine failure and crashes onto a sandy beach along Kauai's iconic
Nāpali Coast. 🤯🤯🤯 At the 9-second mark, the engine abruptly shuts
off, and the audible beeping serves as a warning of the engine's power
loss. With remarkable skill, the pilot guides the helicopter towards
the beach, executes a crash landing on the sand, and miraculously
saves the lives of all four passengers. From engine failure to crash
landing, the entire sequence unfolds in under 30 seconds.
KanekoaTheGreat retweeted
Mar 6
CNN's Tapper: Trump Has Reformed the GOP with More Working Class
People, Including Voters of Color, Men Primarily TAPPER: “You‘re
talking about how he is reforming the Republican Party more working
class people, including voters of color, African American, men
primarily, but also latinos. And also the Democrats picking up more
educated voters. But there‘s also, so you talked about the education
divide also a big gender divide, men voting Republican, women voting
Democrat.” KING: "It's 88% of the delegates. Trump cannot
mathematically clinch tonight, but he can get within 100 or so of what
he needs that he can do that next week and so what you have here is he
has remade the party in his image. There are still some Republicans
who are trying to take it away, like take it back. That's over. That
party doesn't exist anymore... He's on a march to the nomination. If
the general election were tomorrow, there's a lot of data that
suggests he would win right at this moment in time. It's not tomorrow.
It's eight months from now." Republicans are increasingly appealing to
working-class men without college degrees, while Democrats are gaining
support from college graduates and women.
Mar 6
MSNBC SHOCKED: Trump Is Picking Off Biden Voters "I think the Trump
campaign would look at this and say they're picking off Biden voters
right now more than Biden is picking off Trump voters."
Mar 6
Hillary Clinton Tells Democrats to 'Accept Reality': 'Joe Biden Is
Old' "Let's go ahead and accept the reality. Joe Biden is old. So,
really, pick between your two old ones and figure out how you're going
to save our democracy." It's astonishing how the political
establishment and corporate media portray a potential Donald Trump
victory in the 2024 election as the demise of democracy or the end of
elections. Last time I checked, democracy depends on free speech and
fair elections. There is only one party enthusiastically advocating
for increased censorship, and it's not Donald Trump's. Simultaneously,
they weaponize the judicial system against their political
adversaries, trying to unilaterally remove them from ballots,
preventing the public from deciding. Isn't that the end of democracy
and elections?
KanekoaTheGreat retweeted
Jack Poso 🇺🇸
Mar 6
Mar 6
CNN's Tapper: Trump Has Reformed the GOP with More Working Class
People, Including Voters of Color, Men Primarily TAPPER: “You‘re
talking about how he is reforming the Republican Party more working
class people, including voters of color, African American, men
primarily, but also latinos. And also the Democrats picking up more
educated voters. But there‘s also, so you talked about the education
divide also a big gender divide, men voting Republican, women voting
Democrat.” KING: "It's 88% of the delegates. Trump cannot
mathematically clinch tonight, but he can get within 100 or so of what
he needs that he can do that next week and so what you have here is he
has remade the party in his image. There are still some Republicans
who are trying to take it away, like take it back. That's over. That
party doesn't exist anymore... He's on a march to the nomination. If
the general election were tomorrow, there's a lot of data that
suggests he would win right at this moment in time. It's not tomorrow.
It's eight months from now." Republicans are increasingly appealing to
working-class men without college degrees, while Democrats are gaining
support from college graduates and women.
KanekoaTheGreat retweeted
Scott Adams @ScottAdamsSays
Mar 6
Mar 6
CNN's Tapper: Trump Has Reformed the GOP with More Working Class
People, Including Voters of Color, Men Primarily TAPPER: “You‘re
talking about how he is reforming the Republican Party more working
class people, including voters of color, African American, men
primarily, but also latinos. And also the Democrats picking up more
educated voters. But there‘s also, so you talked about the education
divide also a big gender divide, men voting Republican, women voting
Democrat.” KING: "It's 88% of the delegates. Trump cannot
mathematically clinch tonight, but he can get within 100 or so of what
he needs that he can do that next week and so what you have here is he
has remade the party in his image. There are still some Republicans
who are trying to take it away, like take it back. That's over. That
party doesn't exist anymore... He's on a march to the nomination. If
the general election were tomorrow, there's a lot of data that
suggests he would win right at this moment in time. It's not tomorrow.
It's eight months from now." Republicans are increasingly appealing to
working-class men without college degrees, while Democrats are gaining
support from college graduates and women.
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