Elon Musk
Mar 7
WPATH is pure evil

Every parent should read this
Jason Helmes
Just finished this book - Bad Therapy by @AbigailShrier This is one of
the most eye-opening books I've ever read. It's a must read for any
parent, any teacher, and should be required reading for any school
administrator as well. The book dives into trying to figure out why
kids are having so many mental health problems, when there are so many
resources devoted to improving mental health outcomes. Anxiety,
depression, suicide, etc are all higher than they've ever been with
kids, even though their lives are arguably better than ever before. It
just doesn't make sense. A few key takeaways from the book: A constant
attention on how kids are "feeling" or "thinking" is causing negative
outcomes. Constantly ruminating on your emotions and how you feel
negatively impacts your mental health. If all you do is focus on your
emotions, you are destined to be anxious or depressed. We incessantly
ask kids how they're feeling, if they're happy, how their mental
health is, etc, and this is creating kids who think they're fragile
instead of resilient. Trying to solve every problem for kids has
caused a generation who can't do anything for themselves. We (Gen X)
were told to "suck it up" or "you'll live" or "rub some dirt on it"
all the time. Many of us came to the conclusion this is "bad
parenting" because our feelings were neglected, and we vowed not to do
this to our own children. Because of that, kids immediately
over-dramatize everything that happens to them, making mountains out
of molehills, and thinking the world must revolve around their
emotions and feelings. You develop confidence and strong mental health
by doing things, not by thinking or via therapy. You can't think your
way out of anxiety. You don't gain confidence by analysis of your
thoughts or mental health issues. You gain confidence and eliminate
anxiety by doing gradually more difficult tasks, excelling at them,
and realizing you are a competent, capable person. The non-stop
attention therapy gives to these small, common emotions we all feel
blows them out of proportion to their seriousness (not talking about
genuine disorders here, just normal anxieties that millions of people
go to therapy to try to avoid). One of the best ways to decrease your
happiness is to chase it. Our society constantly tells kids they
should be "happy" and asks them if they are. Happiness isn't a state
you should be in 24/7. That's not realistic. Joy and bliss aren't
permanent states - they are fleeting. Contentment, stillness, and
being even-keeled are much better goals to aim for mentally. The
happiest, most well adjusted kids come from families with loving
parents that have strict rules for the household. This one really set
off the confirmation bias in me... I feel really blessed we have 2
well adjusted middle school kids who do great in school, are very
respectful and well mannered, and we barely even need to parent them.
But for years, we were very strict with them. Bedtimes, family rules,
how we do things, etc. The in-laws and lots of friends thought we were
totalitarian. In reality, we just had high standards. And it's really
paying off right now. I found it really interesting that strict rules
equals happy kids. Makes sense, though, as kids need to know what
their boundaries are. Constantly surveying school-age kids about their
mental health causes more issues than it solves. Mental health
resources is big money. Districts need to validate all the resources
allocated towards mental health, and they often do that via surveys.
Asking kids non-stop questions like: - Have you thought about self
harm? - Have you thought about suicide? - Have you been so anxious you
can't get out of bed? Etc, etc puts into their heads the idea that
themselves, or many of their peers are broken and cannot function
properly in the real world. It normalizes situations that would be
incredibly rare at any other time in history. There's a lot of other
takeaways, too, but I'll stop there. It's a fantastic book. Go pick it
up and read it. This isn't an affiliate thing or a promotion thing at
all. I just really enjoyed it, and it will further shape the way I
parent moving forward.

Mike Benz
Here is that 2008 SNL sketch on George Soros we talk about in the clip below:

Doesn’t it seem odd to vote against deporting illegals who commit a crime?
Speaker Mike Johnson
170 House Democrats just voted against the Laken Riley Act, refusing
to require the detention and deportation of illegal immigrants who
have been caught committing a crime.   Sadly, if these Democrats have
their way, there will be more victims like Laken Riley.
Elon Musk
Thomas Massie
Replying to @elonmusk
And House seats determine how many votes each state has in the
electoral college. So although illegal aliens don’t vote, they can
determine the outcome of Presidential races. Kentucky has 6
representatives, but California likely has 6 extra seats due to
illegal immigration!
Elon Musk
Most Americans are still unaware that the census counts ALL people,
including illegal immigrants, for deciding how many House seats each
state gets! This results in Dem states getting roughly 20 more House
seats, which is another strong incentive for them not to deport
Elon Musk
No kidding …
Houston Chronicle @HoustonChron
Mar 5
Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg went into Love Park Community
Center Tuesday morning to cast a ballot for her own primary race —
only to be told someone had already voted in her name, according to
spokesperson Michael Kolenc.
Elon Musk retweeted
Mar 6
🔥 Fox News’ Greg Gutfield gives a shoutout to @EndWokeness and notes
that without X this woke insanity would be allowed to continue.
Elon Musk
Southern Poverty Law Center is a scam
John Stossel
Mar 3
The "Southern Poverty Law Center" is more like the Southern Poverty
SLANDER Center. It blasts @Moms4Liberty & @MomsForAmerica as
"extremists" while excusing actual violent extremists like Antifa,
which it calls: "individuals organizing against... injustice.” The
SPLC is a scam:
Southern Poverty "Slander" Center

The Southern Poverty Law Center promises to warn us about dangerous
hate groups and extremists. In reality, it smears grassroots activists
like "Moms for Liberty" for daring to disagree about policy.
Elon Musk
The Matt Walsh Show
Mar 6
The Secret History Of The Evil Organization That Pushed Gender Madness
Into The Mainstream TIMESTAMPS: 00:00 - 00:30 Opening 1:56 - 21:54 The
Secret History Of The Evil Organization That Pushed Gender Madness
Into The Mainstream 22:53 - 27:00 Karine Jean-Pierre Snaps At Reporter
Asking About Biden's Notecards 27:01 - 46:06 Oregon Re-Criminalizes
Possession Of Hard Drugs 47:43 - 59:44 RuPaul, And The Left’s Fake
Anti-Book Banning Crusade, Is Canceled

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