
Data Scientist & Citizen Journalist
Joined August 2021

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23 Jun 2023
Dr. David Martin: COVID-19 – A Premeditated Act “Coronavirus,
COVID-19. The whole thing was premeditated. It was murder. It was
active terrorism by a state against the world. Let's call it what it
is.” @DrDMartinWorld
“One of the best ways to decrease your happiness is to chase it.” I
will be reading this book next. It reminds me of the following quote
by Viktor E. Frankl in his book, “Man’s Search for Meaning”: “For
success, like happiness, cannot be pursued; it must ensue, and it only
does so as the unintended side-effect of one's personal dedication to
a cause greater than oneself or as the by-product of one's surrender
to a person other than oneself. Happiness must happen, and the same
holds for success: you have to let it happen by not caring about it.”
Jason Helmes
Just finished this book - Bad Therapy by @AbigailShrier This is one of
the most eye-opening books I've ever read. It's a must read for any
parent, any teacher, and should be required reading for any school
administrator as well. The book dives into trying to figure out why
kids are having so many mental health problems, when there are so many
resources devoted to improving mental health outcomes. Anxiety,
depression, suicide, etc are all higher than they've ever been with
kids, even though their lives are arguably better than ever before. It
just doesn't make sense. A few key takeaways from the book: A constant
attention on how kids are "feeling" or "thinking" is causing negative
outcomes. Constantly ruminating on your emotions and how you feel
negatively impacts your mental health. If all you do is focus on your
emotions, you are destined to be anxious or depressed. We incessantly
ask kids how they're feeling, if they're happy, how their mental
health is, etc, and this is creating kids who think they're fragile
instead of resilient. Trying to solve every problem for kids has
caused a generation who can't do anything for themselves. We (Gen X)
were told to "suck it up" or "you'll live" or "rub some dirt on it"
all the time. Many of us came to the conclusion this is "bad
parenting" because our feelings were neglected, and we vowed not to do
this to our own children. Because of that, kids immediately
over-dramatize everything that happens to them, making mountains out
of molehills, and thinking the world must revolve around their
emotions and feelings. You develop confidence and strong mental health
by doing things, not by thinking or via therapy. You can't think your
way out of anxiety. You don't gain confidence by analysis of your
thoughts or mental health issues. You gain confidence and eliminate
anxiety by doing gradually more difficult tasks, excelling at them,
and realizing you are a competent, capable person. The non-stop
attention therapy gives to these small, common emotions we all feel
blows them out of proportion to their seriousness (not talking about
genuine disorders here, just normal anxieties that millions of people
go to therapy to try to avoid). One of the best ways to decrease your
happiness is to chase it. Our society constantly tells kids they
should be "happy" and asks them if they are. Happiness isn't a state
you should be in 24/7. That's not realistic. Joy and bliss aren't
permanent states - they are fleeting. Contentment, stillness, and
being even-keeled are much better goals to aim for mentally. The
happiest, most well adjusted kids come from families with loving
parents that have strict rules for the household. This one really set
off the confirmation bias in me... I feel really blessed we have 2
well adjusted middle school kids who do great in school, are very
respectful and well mannered, and we barely even need to parent them.
But for years, we were very strict with them. Bedtimes, family rules,
how we do things, etc. The in-laws and lots of friends thought we were
totalitarian. In reality, we just had high standards. And it's really
paying off right now. I found it really interesting that strict rules
equals happy kids. Makes sense, though, as kids need to know what
their boundaries are. Constantly surveying school-age kids about their
mental health causes more issues than it solves. Mental health
resources is big money. Districts need to validate all the resources
allocated towards mental health, and they often do that via surveys.
Asking kids non-stop questions like: - Have you thought about self
harm? - Have you thought about suicide? - Have you been so anxious you
can't get out of bed? Etc, etc puts into their heads the idea that
themselves, or many of their peers are broken and cannot function
properly in the real world. It normalizes situations that would be
incredibly rare at any other time in history. There's a lot of other
takeaways, too, but I'll stop there. It's a fantastic book. Go pick it
up and read it. This isn't an affiliate thing or a promotion thing at
all. I just really enjoyed it, and it will further shape the way I
parent moving forward.
UngaTheGreat retweeted
Kyle Becker
BREAKING.🚨🚨 “Our officers warned him to stop and when he did not,
the man was removed from the House Galleries and was arrested..." Gold
Star Parent is Placed Under Arrest for Interrupting Joe Biden’s State
of the Union Speech…
Gold Star Parent is Placed Under Arrest for Interrupting Joe Biden’s
State of the Union Speech -...

Steve Nikoui, a Gold Star parent invited to attend the State of the
Union address, has been placed under arrest for interrupting Biden's
speech. "U.S. Capitol Police confirmed to NBC News that Steven...
UngaTheGreat retweeted
Vigilant News
Tucker Carlson: “They’re Going to STEAL the Election” “Joe Biden can’t
win in a fair election,” said @TuckerCarlson “So what does that tell
you?” he asked. “Well, they’re going to steal the election. And we
know they’re going to steal the election because they’re now saying so
out loud.” “The chief law enforcement officer of the United States
[Merrick Garland] government is telling you that it’s immoral, in fact
racist, in fact illegal, to ask people for their IDs when they vote to
verify they are who they say they are.”
UngaTheGreat retweeted
Elon Musk
Most Americans are still unaware that the census counts ALL people,
including illegal immigrants, for deciding how many House seats each
state gets! This results in Dem states getting roughly 20 more House
seats, which is another strong incentive for them not to deport
DOWD: “… excess mortality continues to be high, especially among
working age people.” Full Discussion on @ShannonJoyRadio🔻…
🔥🔥Ed Dowd LIVE! The Mass Death Event Post Jab Sets Stage 4 Financial
Collapse. Don't FEAR-Prepare!

Dire warnings from former Blackrock investor and expert on the
skyrocketing fatality rates worldwide which are leading to imminent
economic turmoil. This episode will ALERT you but also EMPOWER you..
Ed Dowd: Economic Damage from Pandemic Response Estimated at $270
Billion Ed Dowd shares the intertwining of political ideologies,
vaccine mandates, and their impact on the workforce, stating, “A lot
of these executives are on their sixth booster.” Fauci worshipping
executives. He estimates the economic toll of the pandemic response,
including lost work time and the care for the disabled, at a
staggering $270 billion, suggesting this figure might even be an
underestimate. Dowd predicts a looming economic downturn fueled by
policy errors and a potential liquidity crisis. @DowdEdward
UngaTheGreat retweeted
Dr. Lynn Fynn-derella🐭
Mar 7
Want to know how insane Washington State is? Washington State Senate
Bill 5982 passed. It defines a Vaccine as follows: “Vaccine” means an
immunization approved by the Federal Food and Drug Administration as
safe and effective and recommended by the advisory committee on
immunizations practices of the centers for disease control and
prevention for administration to children under the age of nineteen
years” According to this law, if they deem injecting cow shit is safe
and effective, it’s a vaccine. the FDA doesn’t even have to call it a
vaccine. They only have to say the cow shit is safe and effective and
Washington state will call it a vaccine. ‘cause, of course, that’s the
definition of “vaccine”. @ReniMoonMD @DanStock62 @KLVeritas
@richardursomd @RWMaloneMD @JohnLittellMD @molsjames @KathMLee1
@MdBreathe @SabinehazanMD @btysonmd @GeorgeFareed2 @drcraigwax
@docbiss @P_McCulloughMD
UngaTheGreat retweeted
End Wokeness
Mar 6
End Wokeness claims 4 scalps in 1 day: 1. Doritos fired a new brand
ambassador after we shed light on pedophiIia tweets 2. Biden's VA
rescinded their ban on the V-J kiss after it leaked to End Wokeness 3.
Vice President of Johns Hopkins and DEI Chief resigns over her
"privilege hit list" 1st leaked on End Wokeness 4. CIO of USAGM is
suspended over anti-White tweets uncovered on a burner account by End
UngaTheGreat retweeted
Chief Nerd
🔥 Cam Newton on Entering the ‘Golden Age’ of Podcasts “People are
leaning into receiving their content in a different way…If I want to
hear about basketball, I want to hear it from Shaquille O’Neal, not
f***ing…Stephen A. Smith.” @SHAQ @bigpodwithshaq
UngaTheGreat retweeted
End Wokeness
Mar 6
They lock up cereal boxes but not the thugs stealing them.
UngaTheGreat retweeted
Robby Starbuck
Mar 7
Meet Walter Blanks Jr. He grew up in a rough area. School choice saved
him from a school where he was jumped as a kid. He got into a new
school and became the successful young man you see now. A Tennessee
Democrat responded by implying he was used only because he’s Black.
What Rep. Parkinson said was absolutely disgusting. You can’t hear my
response as I say next to Walter because my mic was off but that’s
exactly what I said: "What a disgusting thing to say". Democrats treat
every Black person and Latino who disagrees with them like they’re
stupid pawns who can’t think for themselves. It’s absolutely
disgusting. I’m proud to stand with Walter and the folks at @AFPTN to
make school choice a reality for families in Tennessee. In a decade
we’ll see countless young adults like @WaltBlanksJr who had their
lives and values changed by empowering their families with a choice to
leave failing schools. Good news though: Walter’s testimony was great
and the committee passed the bill to move on to the next committee. We
won’t stop until families have choice and tax dollars follow students
instead of failing systems.
UngaTheGreat retweeted
Chief Nerd
Mar 7
Aaron Rodgers on Being Attacked For Not Following the COVID Vaccine
Narrative “Instead of debating the content of what I’m saying, they
attack the character instead…That’s the playbook of cancel culture.
It’s silence, censor, and then name call.” @AaronRodgers12
UngaTheGreat retweeted
Mar 6
CNN's Van Jones: If Trump Wins, You're Going to See Russian Tanks and
Horror Across Europe, American Soldiers Dying 🙄🙄🙄 ACOSTA: "What
must President Biden do to earn those Nikki Haley's supporters?"
JONES: "He needs to talk to her donors and supporters and say, if a
year from now, you want to watch Russian tanks rolling through Europe,
then, you know, endorse Donald Trump and get on that bandwagon. But
understand, you're going to wake up one morning, and you're going to
see horror across Europe; you're going to have American soldiers and
sailors having to go over there and do something that we could have
done with dollars we have to do with — with blood." Last time I
checked, @VanJones68, Putin annexed Crimea in 2014 under Obama and
invaded Ukraine in 2022 under Biden? Moreover, isn't Biden currently
involved in wars in Israel, Palestine, and Yemen? And weren't Obama
and Biden involved in wars in Libya, Syria, and Yemen? In contrast,
Trump was the first president in four decades to keep the United
States out of new wars, contributing to a relatively peaceful planet
during his tenure in office, right?
UngaTheGreat retweeted
Green Lives Matter
Mar 6
Wow. Robert Kennedy JR just said that Jeffrey Epstein told him to his
face that he ONLY did insider trading on the stock market as he
elaborates on his plane ride with the trafficker. "I asked him about
investing in the stock market. He said I don't invest in anything on
the stock market unless I have inside knowledge. I had just met him
and he was telling me that he was committing federal crimes. And then
the plane landed in Chicago. We thought we were going down in New
York. A very beautiful woman standing next to a Mercedes. He said my
plans have changed and I have to go to Europe. He got off the plane
and went to another plane and he and the girl got on it. And Ghislaine
was sitting there crying. And I just thought he was a creep.... I
asked him about how he made his money. I knew he was the money manager
for Leslie Wexner. How did you go from a math teacher at Dalton School
to that... He said some Chinese people had approached him, who had
been taking advantage of American grifters and he had succeeded in
doing it. And that had launched his career. And that didn't make any
sense. It raised fifty more questions. How did the Chinese guys find
you? When somebody is talking to you and you have a meter that says
this doesn't make any sense." It doesn't take a rocket scientist to
realize that Epstein was working with the intelligence agencies and
had a handler. Who was giving him the inside knowledge? @andrewschulz
UngaTheGreat retweeted
Defiant L’s
Mar 6
UngaTheGreat retweeted
Western Lensman
Mar 6
Nikki Haley on pledging to support the GOP nominee: Now: “I have to
make my own choices." Then: “Every candidate must sign the pledge."
She’ll say anything at any time in the name of political expedience.
UngaTheGreat retweeted
Kevin McKernan
Mar 6
Plasmid replication in vaccinated cell lines
UngaTheGreat retweeted
Vigilant News
Mar 6
Elon Musk Issues Warning for America: “Groundwork is Being Laid for
Something Far Worse than 9/11” Musk is correct. The only question is
Elon Musk Issues Warning for America: “Groundwork is Being Laid for
Something Far Worse than 9/11”

Musk is correct. The only question is when.
UngaTheGreat retweeted
System Update
Mar 5
WATCH: The Supreme Court is among the last of the media's dwindling
hopes to prevent Americans from having the option to vote for Trump in
2024. To say they're panicking after SCOTUS just ruled against CO
would be a drastic understatement.…
UngaTheGreat retweeted
End Wokeness
Mar 6
An MSNBC panel is mocking West Virginia residents for worrying about
the border. An illegal from Venezuela was arrested last weekend for
r@ping a 14-year-old girl in VIRGINIA. He was released into the U.S.
by Biden in September 2023 at the Texas border.

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