Yep. Brands' book is out from MIT Press, so it's even accessible.
(Well, relatively accessible; I keep planning on finishing it RSN.)

For someone to ask on cypherpunks for pointers to basic crypto
concepts and ignoring reading lists is like someone posting to a
political mailing list and asking how senators are elected, and
refusing to read the Constitution. (I'm not saying this current
case is the same, but it has similarities.)


On Tue, Apr 24, 2001 at 06:25:23PM -0700, Tim May wrote:
> Read Schneier. Read the oft-cited (certainly cited many times in the 
> years since you claim to have been here, i.e., since when Detweiler 
> was here) Proceedings of the Crypto Conferences (Springer-Verlag, 
> every year)/

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