> Ed Gerck wrote:
> > As to the counter-example you ask, the general public profits by
> > lack of disclosure of the algorithm that allows nuclear bombs
> > to be made with 1 pound of enriched uranium.   We have less
> > nuclear powers.
I'd like one of the real physicists on the list to weigh in on this, but a 1
lb. enriched uranium nuclear bomb sounds unrealistic to me.  Last I knew, it
was more like 25-50 pounds of enriched uranium.

Now, a plutonium bomb can supposedly be made with 10 pounds of plutonium,
which is around the size and shape of a goose egg.  [Once I'd heard that, I
knew that suitcases nukes would someday be made, just because they could be
Mark Leighton Fisher            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thomson Consumer Electronics    Indianapolis IN
"Their walls are built of cannon balls,
Their motto is `Don't tread on me`"

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