Reese wrote:
>Under the Buchanan admin, they probably will?
>And just wtf makes you think Buchanan has a candles chance in a tornado?
>The problem isn't what an un-electable candidate wants to do,

a) Unless Gore or Bush declares themselves Dictator-For-Life, there will be
elections again in 2004, 2008, 2012, ...

b) Unfortunately both major parties seem all too willing to sacrifice civil
rights if they conflict with one of their other major issues.  It doesn't
require a Buchanan admin to declare another War on Something that requires
removing more of our civil rights in order to protect our society (or "save
the children", as that is the current hot button for both Democrats and

[Just a reminder: These are my opinions, and whether they match TCE's
opinions is truly coincidental.  As TCE's parent company is French (TMM,
Thomson Multimedia), it would be interesting to know what are the opinions
of TMM on some of the subjects covered on cypherpunks...]
Mark Leighton Fisher            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thomson Consumer Electronics    Indianapolis IN
"Their walls are built of cannon balls,
Their motto is `Don't tread on me`"

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