Subject: brits to listen to GSM on Mayday

Police to tap calls
                                                 at May Day

                                                 Civil rights group attacks move
                                                 as unjustified intrusion 

                                                 Nick Paton Walsh 
                                                 Sunday April 23, 2000 

                                                 Police will be listening in when
                                                 demonstrators use mobile phones to
                                                 plan tactics during the expected 1 May
                                                 demonstrations in London, The
                                                 Observer has learnt. 

                                                 Scotland Yard has said it will 'pursue
                                                 all legal avenues' to prevent and
                                                 monitor crime. A number of legal
                                                 loopholes give police the power to
                                                 intercept conversations. 

                                                 May Day is known to be the date of
                                                 the next series of anti-capitalist
                                                 protests, and Special Branch is
                                                 believed to have kept alleged
                                                 ringleaders under surveillance. The
                                                 protests are expected to be organised
                                                 by a few individuals in constant
                                                 contact by mobile phone. This was the
                                                 pattern at the 'N30' demonstration
                                                 outside Euston station on 30
                                                 November last year, where organisers
                                                 co-ordinated attacks on financial

                                                 Mobile phones may be legally
                                                 monitored in two ways. The network to
                                                 which the phones are connected can
                                                 be tapped if the police obtain a
                                                 warrant from the Home Secretary. But
                                                 to do so, they must suspect that a
                                                 crime may be committed which carries
                                                 a penalty of more than three years or
                                                 which involves a number of people. A
                                                 warrant allows the police to intercept
                                                 all communications to and from one
                                                 individual. Riots such as those caused
                                                 by the N30 protests involve 
                                                 serious crimes for such warrants to be

                                                 Additionally and more controversially,
                                                 police may also intercept signals
                                                 between a mobile phone and a phone
                                                 mast. While it was all too easy to
                                                 intercept old analogue phones, the
                                                 vast majority of new digital phones
                                                 send encrypted signals, and the
                                                 equipment required to tap such
                                                 phones is not publicly available.
                                                 'Technology of that sort would only be
                                                 owned by the Government,' said an
                                                 engineer with telecoms security firm

                                                 John Wadham, director of civil rights
                                                 group Liberty, said: 'Listening in to
                                                 someone's telephone conversations is
                                                 a serious intrusion that should only 
                                                 justified if police are investigating
                                                 really serious offences. The planning
                                                 of a peaceful protest should never be
                                                 subject to such intrusive 
                                                 The real solution for the future is to
                                                 ensure that there is an independent
                                                 check on this, and the only real way 
                                                 ensure this is to have a judge - not a
                                                 politician - issue the warrant.' 

                                                 There are now 2,000 ministerial
                                                 warrants approving phone and mail
                                                 tapping every year, an increase of 50
                                                 per cent over the past three years. 

                                                 The May Day 2000 protests will start
                                                 on Friday with a Radicals' Walk of the
                                                 East End, and conclude on 1 May with
                                                 a series of demonstrations and 'direct
                                                 action' around the capital.,6903,213280,00.html

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