X-Loop: openpgp.net
From: "Patrick Henry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> This is no big deal.  Just keep all of your keys on a smart card or an
> iButton.  When you get into trouble, drop it into the nearest sewer.  "I
> know what happened to that card, your Honor; it was in my wallet

You have to PROVE that you don't have it (and most likely that you didn't
"lose" it on purpose), or go to jail for two years.

> Is there some natural law that says the stupidest people on the planet end
> in government?  It sure seems that way.

Not the stupidest. I know some pretty smart people that work for the
(Romanian) government (like that's hard; there are several million people
working for the government in Romania) . The "least principled" might be


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