X-Loop: openpgp.net
From: "Tom Vogt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> how about actually encrypting two texts, in such a way that they combine
> into one ciphertext, and depending on which key you choose, one or the
> other gets decrypted from that.

I think the main problem is laziness; the user would have to find a suitable
"innocent" cleartext, with a length approximately equal to that of the
"guilty" one. I think it could be done, though, by having the client use a
copy of a Gutenberg-available book, and making the "innocent" text something
like: "Look what I found in this A.C.Doyle story on the internet: bla, bla,

However, the actual algorithm that enables one to "combine" two texts into
one cyphertext, and also enables one to retrieve the "guilty" text if he
knows the key, might be a little beyond my abilities. [Or I'm just too


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