On Fri, 21 Jul 2000, Trei, Peter wrote:
> It's my understanding that there's a precedent in which
> a government audit of a merchant was halted, or at 
> least seriously delayed, when it was discovered that all
> of his business records where in Hebrew. The court 
> ruled that (1) He had no obligation to keep records in
> English, and (2) He had no obligation to provide a
> translation.

Just a slight question. What's the difference between an rare language and
english encrypted with some sort of algorithm? How can the suits declare
one piece of text as encrypted, while the ancient language of waazoo is
just a really fucked-up language?

Could someone write an encryption algorithm that made the text into some
sort of non-english looking language, without making it obvious that the
information had been encrypted? How secure could such a algorithm be?


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