At 10:23 PM 8/26/00 -0400, Tim May wrote:
>(I haven't said this in a while: basic constitutional rights do not 
>get lost because one was once a prisoner or person in a psychiatric 
>prison. If one is in prison, certain rights are naturally lost by 
>nature of the act of imprisonment. Once out of prison, _all_, and I 
>do mean _all_, rights are restored. The right to vote, the right to 
>assemble freely, the right to be secure in one's papers, the right to 
>possess firearms, and so on and so forth. All of those who claim 
>otherwise, all 2,173,562 of them, need killing.)
>--Tim May

You are consistent: you have also stated that child molesters
should not be tracked or otherwise treated differently after release, while
adding that
perhaps they are released too soon.  FWIW I agree; transient illness is not
a felony.
Gosh, I wonder what manic-depressive Tipper Gore or SecDef Cohen's spouse

If molestation (sexual or not, child or not) is a behavioral pattern, catch
and release is not appropriate.  

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