At 04:36 AM 9/25/00 -0400, Sampo A Syreeni wrote:
>So how do you feel, for instance, about bullying in the form of cooperative
>isolation of someone by his/her peers? Certainly everybody has the /right/
>not to speak to someone...

Freedom of association includes freedom not to associate.  

>Only that sort of thing harms people more than an occasional, physical
>punch, something which few liberty-advocating people would say is tolerable.

Exclusion harms you only if it bugs you ---you have to want to be a 
homosexual atheist boyscout for their exclusion to matter.  Non-consensual
violence always harms.  

>I think liberty should carry a pricetag of tolerance.

No, liberty is absolute, and probably not being exercised if *someone*
isn't offended.  Your suggestion to "play nice" is quaint but irrelevent
when talking about sovereign adults.

Tolerance means tolerating intolerant groups.  The latter-day euros (germans
and french esp.) don't get it.  When you burn nazi literature you have become


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