At 10:50 PM 9/24/00 -0400, Tim May wrote:
>>If you don't want to see lesbians kiss, stay out of the ballpark.
>>[the latter a reference to two lesbians being evicted from a
>>baseball game for kissing (yes, in Calif, in 2000), when mixed-sex couples
>>were doing the  same.  the baseball corporation thereafter recanted, and
>>gave 5K tickets to homosexual groups, thereby saving themselves a major
>Ball parks are nominally private (pace your "baseball corporation" comment)/
>If a venue or site or company or piece of property is 
>privately-owned, then all liberty-advocating persons would certainly 
>say the owners have every right to tell lesbians and queers to stay 
>"If you don't want to see lesbians kiss, come to PacBell Park!"
>--Tim May

Were these arenas *not* subsidized by tax dollars, I'd agree.
However its distressingly common for cities to subsidize 'professional
sport' facilities these days.  I suppose I should have used the more
classic 'scare the horses' (on a public road) line...

The point is, its up to the parents to control their kids' inputs,
not the rest of the world.



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