----- Forwarded message from Declan McCullagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

From: Declan McCullagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: FC: NRC asks for reviewers for forthcoming Internet porn report
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2001 10:37:21 -0400
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Background from Politech archives:

"Net-sex NRC panel asks for testimony, will hold regional mtgs"

"Patricia Nell Warren's comments to NAS porn panel"

"National Academy of Sciences panel hears about porn & kids"

"Free speech advocates fret about NAS Net-porn commission"


From: "Herb Lin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2001 06:03:30 -0400
Subject: 8-CALL FOR REVIEWERS: Draft NRC report on "Tools and Strategies
        for Protecting Kids from Pornography and Their Applicability to
        Other Inappropriate Internet Content."


The National Research Council seeks reviewers for a draft report on its project
on "Tools and Strategies for Protecting Kids from Pornography and Their
Applicability to Other Inappropriate Internet Content."   More information on
this project, including a list of committee members, can be found at <

Purpose of review

Every report of the National Research Council must be reviewed by a diverse
group of experts other than its authors before it may be released outside the
institution.  This independent, rigorous review is a hallmark that 
the NRC from many other organizations offering scientific and technical advice
on issues of national importance.  The purpose of such review is to assist the
authors in making their report as accurate and effective as possible, and to
enhance the clarity, cogency, and credibility of the final document.

Responsibilities of reviewers

Reviewers are asked to consider whether in their judgment the evidence and
arguments presented are sound and the report is fully responsive to the study
charge, not whether they concur with the findings.  Reviewers provide written
comments on any and all aspects of the draft report, and the authoring 
is expected to consider all review comments and to provide written responses to
those comments, either modifying the report accordingly or explaining why the
report was not modified.  The committee's responses are themselves evaluated by
the National Research Council for adequacy and completeness.  Note that NRC
reports have a history of changing significantly between draft and final
versions as the result of reviewer comments.

Qualifications of reviewers

Reviewers of NRC reports are selected on the basis of personal expertise in a
field or fields relevant to the subject matter of the report; a dedication to
drawing conclusions based on the analysis of data and information; sufficiently
seniority in their fields to warrant broad respect for their intellect,
fairness, and stature.  Names of reviewers are made public at the time of the
report's final publication, but during the review process they are anonymous to
the committee and staff.

Confidentiality of report

Because NRC reports change as the result of review, reviewers must be 
willing to
keep the draft report absolutely confidential and otherwise abide by the NRC's
guidelines for reviewing of reports.

Procedure for submitting names

Please forward nominations for reviewers (self-nominations acceptable) to
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  The "subject" line of the e-mail should say "reviewer
nomination."  Submitted nominations should include contact information,
biographies (including relevant published works, public statements, and current
or former positions of relevance), and indications of relevant expertise 
and the
perspective on the subject that the nominee will bring.  Note that while 
the NRC
seeks nominations from a wide variety of sources, it reserves the exclusive
right to determine reviewers of its reports.

Deadline for Nominations

While nominations may be submitted at any time, nominations without the
information described above, or received after September 15, 2001, may not be
fully considered.

More information is available from the Web site of this project at <
http://www.itasnrc.org> or from
Herb Lin (Study Director), at 202-334-2605.

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