On Thu, Aug 16, 2001 at 12:09:18AM +0300, Sampo Syreeni wrote:
> Americans naturally know far better than I ever will), one does have some
> reason to believe the "speech" in 1A is mostly targeted at political speech,
> even if the meaning is implied.

That's a common argument with which many Americans would probably
agree. Eric Freedman at Hofstra law school has written a nice piece
refuting it. It may even be available online.

> >(The landmark Supreme Court cases on obscenity, like Miller, have to do
> >with fairly gross obscenity. Not that I agree they were justified, but the
> >"online decency" issue is a long way from what the Supremes have said may
> >be banned.)
> So how about the "prevailing community standard" part?

The prevailing community standards of online communities like xxx sites
seem to be pretty liberal. :)

> Agreed. But I do think self-labelling is a nice gesture, and may even afford
> one a direct means of targeting a site specifically for the kind of people

Perhaps, but nice gestures lead to slippery slopes, IMHO.


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