> Aimee:
> > ...."quite possibly" ...FBI "Black Ops Blow-Em-Up" teams? 
> Uh-uhm. If had to
> > guess, I would bet that explosives take a lot of paperwork. 
> Bombs are not
> > efficient investigative tools for law enforcement. They blow up 
> the evidence
> > and the criminal. It's hard to run surveillance on a blown-up 
> target. That
> > would be LEA "disintermediation." They also make a lot of noise.
>    You would find it illuminating 

I hope not, considering the context.

> to acquaint yourself with the Judy
> Barri case. The FBI was conducting actual pipe-bomb making classes
> for the local police, including setting them off in a nearby quarry.
> This was just prior to the bombing of Judy's car. Interesting too
> that they were on the scene within minutes of the explosion, to
> arrest Judy and Darryl for bombing themselves. There's a current
> suit in fed court about it -- look it up. The guy who was head of
> COINTELPRO was involved in this. 



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