On Monday, August 27, 2001, at 02:00 PM, Aimee Farr wrote:

> Tim May:
>> So I guess my candidate submission for the P.E.T. workshop might not be
>> well-received: "BlackNet; Case History of a Practically Untraceable
>> System for Buying and Selling Corporate and National Secrets.
> No, you want E.E.T. -- "Espionage-enhancing Technologies."
> Some of you need a lawyer on your shoulder. Like a little parrot. 
> *squawk!*
> ECPA Section 2516(1)(p); FISA, if that includes being controlled by 
> aliens
> from outer-space; USC Title 18 1831.
> Section 1831 Economic espionage
> (a) In General - Whoever, intending or knowing that the offense will 
> benefit
> any foreign government, foreign instrumentality, or foreign agent,
> knowingly -
> (1) steals, or without authorization appropriates, takes, carries away, 
> or
> conceals, or by fraud, artifice, or deception obtains a trade secret;
> (2) without authorization copies, duplicates, sketches, draws, 
> photographs,
> downloads, uploads, alters, destroys, photocopies, replicates, 
> transmits,
> delivers, sends, mails, communicates, or conveys a trade secret,
> (3) receives, buys, or possesses a trade secret, knowing the same to 
> have
> been stolen or appropriated, obtained, or converted without 
> authorization,
> (4) attempts to commit any offense described in any of paragraphs (1)
> through (3), or
> (5) conspires with one or more other persons to commit any offense 
> described
> in any of paragraphs (1) through (3), and one or more of such persons 
> do any
> act to effect the object of the conspiracy, shall, except as provided in
> subsection (b), be fined not more than $500,000 or imprisoned not more 
> than
> 15 years, or both.
> Section 1837 Applicability to conduct outside the United States
> This chapter also applies to conduct occurring outside the United 
> States if
> (1) the offender is a natural person who is a citizen or permanent 
> resident
> alien of the United States, or an organization organized under the laws 
> of
> the United States or a State or political subdivision thereof-, or
> (2) an act in furtherance of the offense was committed in the United 
> States.
> Your idea does seem to offer promise as a vehicle for treason, 
> espionage,
> trade secrets, malicious mischief, piracy, bribery of public officials,
> concealment of assets, transmission of wagering information, murder for
> hire, threatening or retaliating against Federal officials, a 
> transactional
> environment for nuclear and biologic weapons, narcotic and arms
> trafficking....sweet spots. *shakes head*

Despite frequently urging newcomers to "read the archives--or at least 
use some search engines!," nitwits like Aimee are only just now figuring 
out what was crystal clear in 1992-3.

No wonder she's doing scut work for the SS outpost in Waco, near Bush's 
Crawford ranch.

--Tim May

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