> > Many people however believe that we [read: our government(s)]
> > are in a downward spiral that is converging on
> > police-and-welfare-state.  In the US for example, we long ago
> > abandoned our constitution.  We still give it much lip
> > service and we still have one of the "more free" societies
> > but things are trending in the wrong direction.
> >
> > Each year more oppressive laws are passed, more things are
> > made illegal to say or write or - if some have their way -
> > think.  (And of course it goes without saying that these
> > things that are prohibited to us are available to "authorized
> > users": those in intelligence, law enforcement, etc. - the
> > usual "more equal" individuals.)

On 28 Aug 2001, at 10:42, Aimee Farr wrote:
> I might understand this better than you think.

No you do not.  You suggest we should not only obey all
legislation that currently exists, but also legislation that does
not currently exist, but that might be deemed to exist through
failure of a judge to be amused, or legislation that might soon

This is of course completely impossible.  Everyone has committed
many serious crimes, often felonies, usually without ever being
aware of it.  I have committed hundreds of major felonies that
could in theory give me many centuries of jail time, without ever
doing anything dishonest, or doing anything particularly unusual
for a respectable middle class person.  Most companies I have
worked for have knowingly committed many serious illegalities.
My current company is making an honest effort to comply with all
relevant legislation, but this effort appears to me ridiculous
and doomed, since no one can really figure out what, if anything,
the legislation we are attempting to comply with means, and what
constitutes compliance. 

         James A. Donald

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