At 08:26 PM 9/13/2001 -0500, Aimee Farr wrote:
>Bell's "Assassination Politics" put cypherpunks on some protective
intelligence agendas. It would not be implausible to assume you were being
monitored to see if you "run" with the seeded assassination memes, if only
for analytical purposes. These matters are taken seriously by those charged
with the care of protected persons. (Contrary to what some here would have
you believe, subtlety can get you a much higher threat-rating than overtly
threatening correspondence.)

Jim is a fool though not a dangerous one. No one should consider implementing any 
betting pools till there is enough cover traffic from "legit" digital cash apps.  If 
one were to be created this would be an ideal time and Ben Laden the ideal target.  
How many Americans would consider creating such a pool to be evil?

> Rising to the bait, debating whether such-and-such a purpose is
> behind Farr's postings, speculating on Farr's true intent, all
> this does is spur on the postings, the baiting, the provocation.
> Just say "no" to responding to ANY of Farr's postings, and I
> would almost put money that the behavior will extinguish within a week.

>Baiting? Provocation? No, a caveat. Do not tolerate behavior of that nature.
It subjects you all to scrutiny and mischaracterization.

>What about Mr. K-S that hides behind his hushmail jacket

Don't forget the power tie ;-)

>and asks for names
and addresses.....why doesn't somebody cuss him out?

What, for protected speech and actions?
Version: Hush 2.0


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