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Life is a Cabaret, my friends.

on Sat, Oct 20, 2001 at 12:56:02PM -0700, Giovanna Imbesi ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Last night my friend and I stopped at a Venice club/bar.  At the door
> they were doing the normal ID check, but then took my driver's license
> and swiped it into a little Palm-like device...and all the info popped
> up on the screen.  I was startled, amused and outraged all at the same
> time.  My friend knows the new owners of the building and told me that
> the owners had rented part of the upstairs space to a guy with a youth
> marketing company, also coincidentally a long-time friend of his.
> What are they doing with this information?  I've been wondering what
> real implications a national ID card would present and here was a
> clear example of potential abuse.  Is this even legal? Aren't they
> authorized to check date-of-birth but no more?  Is it legal to retain
> the data?  What data is stored in the magnetic stripe on a California
> driver's license - name, address, DOB, license #, and signature? 
> On the way out I asked if we got our data back but only got a nervous
> laugh in reply.  
> G.
> Giovanna Imbesi
> TuttoMedia
> http://www.tuttomedia.com
> 310-399-2800
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