>       You know, I never even realized until right now that my DL has a mag
> strip. This is a new thing for WI, I think. Pretty sure my recent MN didn't
> have one. I guess the more interesting thing would be, before wiping it out,
> to figure out a way to read it.

I'm sure you can buy card readers that will read it, but I'm equally
sure you won't find anything sinister on it.  From what I understand,
all they put on the back is a machine-readable version of the text
that's on the front.  Nothing mysterious.

Sooner or later the strips will be replaced with some kind of
tamper-resistant smart chips, and then we will have a much harder time
knowing what's on the chip.

What's disgusting about Larry is that he wants to impose this on
everyone but himself.  When he checks into a hotel, do you think he
whips out the Larry credit card and drivers license?  No, of course
not.  He has an assistant who checks in for him.  He is completely
anonymous in this case.  When he gets on a commercial plane, does he
have to show id and have his bags searched and remove all metal
objects?  No, of course not because he doesn't fly on commercial
planes.  I'm sure that the actual number of times Larry has to show ID
or use his personal credit card per year are pretty close to zero.

Compare that to the average American, who will have to show
Larry-ID(tm) every time he does any kind of financial transaction,
travels anywhere, goes to a bar, goes to the gym, goes to a library,
rents a movie, signs up with an ISP, or anything.

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