At 06:05 PM 10/30/01 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>>I think freon is incredibly inert, that's why it's used.
>Since there are so many ways to protect the contents of the message the
>freon topic is not all that interesting. It would be mildly amusing if
>there were a way to detect that freon had been used on a piece of paper.
>I would guess that it could be done by either finding an "ink" that was
>dissolved by freon or some other material that would sit happily in
>place until lifted and dispersed.
> a fun solvents database - not too
>useful here
> not really relevant but
>Freon seems to be ( or have been ) used mostly for degreasing.

It was, now it is being phased out because freon is damaging to the
ozone layer.  Try locating some R-12 for your automotive a/c system,
time was you could buy little 12 oz bottles in do-it-yourself kits
at every corner parts store.


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