At 10:06 AM 11/1/01 +0000, Ken Brown wrote:
>Reese asked:
>> How dry will the air be at the burning cherry on a cigarette?
>Quite wet, because the combustion adds water vapour to the air. It won't
>be much good at physically wetting things, because the air is warm, but
>the water vapour is there and being hot will be chemically quite active.
>Hold a piece of cool glassware near a bunsen burner  or candle flame and
>you will see lots of condensation. No, not *that* near...

No, put it back in context:

>>Here's a link to the MSDS
>>it says above 900 F Freon will decompose into hydrochloric and
>>hydrofluoric acids.  Doesn't mention phosgene,
>Try this one:
>> although you'd
>>proabably get that if the air was dry enough.
>How dry will the air be at the burning cherry on a cigarette?

How dry will the air be, at that point where the cherry is 900 F or so?


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