Nomen Nescio wrote:

>It was only when Tim May turned away from cryptography and shifted his
>focus to firearms and Y2K and violent fantasies of revenge that the tone

>of the group changed.  It is very likely that many of his writings fit
>the definition above, being made "with intent to cause the overthrow
>or destruction of any such government," and "advocating, advising, or
>teaching the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing
>or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence".
>Tim May has advised us many times to kill judges and police officers,
>congressmen and jail guards.  He has said endlessly that the U.S.
>government needs to be overthrown by violence.

This is not true, but a shrewd mistatement often used by law enforcement
and rats out to cover their asses to please unknown authorities. Robb 
London, Jeff Gordon, the lady from Waco and USG-friendly witnesses 
have repeatedly made such mistatements. A fair number of subscribers 
here have made such mistatements here and at the Bell and CJ trials.

What the mistatements disclose are attitudes and beliefs which lead to
those famous eye-witness reports which seem unshakeably true until
shown to be false by careful examination of the state of mind of the
witness, and confrontation of the witness with alternative evidence.

Now people do get sent to prison and executed on the basis of unture
witness and expert testimonry, so these mistatements are not forgiveable,
nor unpunishable, unless they are made from behind a protective
shield, which most are, initially, and then, lo, the shield disappears
when the distortion is no longer useful. So watch your assertions
Nomen, for false accusations are mean sons of bitches that turn 
on you.

You know I mean verbal retribution, don't you? When your anonymity
disappears, which it has in case you've not noticed.

>All of us will agree that such statements should be legal, on the
>principle of freedom of speech, even if we find the sentiments abhorrent.
>But these calls for violence have nothing to do with the cypherpunk
>movement.  They don't belong here.  Tim May has turned this mailing list
>into his personal toilet, an outlet for his impotent revenge fantasies.
>In doing so he has not only destroyed what was once one of the finest
>discussion forums in the world; he may have endangered other subscribers,
>if those outdated and unconstitutional laws are ever put back into force.

This is not true, but a willful mistatement. Tim May is a fine writer and
thinker and exhorter. Your accusations fit many others on and off the Web
but not Tim May. However, I expect you will be willing to testify, or have
already testified, that what you fanatisize is true. This has been
here several times by others less able than Tim May.

Nomen, there are many Tim Mays. Read the fucking archives to see who's
driving you into the arms of the enemy. The enemy is not who you think
either, for there are Tim Mays there you wouldn't believe.

Lower your prejudice, jaundice and cowardice. Pay attention to discussions 
here and provoke violent behavior. Prepare for long-time in jail or a taste of
the needle. Then you'll be believable and not a yellow-bellied finger
pointin reporter of false facts to boost your career.

All this is said to divert attention away from me and my unassailable
protective cloak.

--Tim May
"You don't expect governments to obey the law because of some higher 
moral development. You expect them to obey the law because they know 
that if they don't, those who aren't shot will be hanged." - -Michael 

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