> > -----Original Message-----
> > I suggest if you find expression of such logical sentiment
> > objectionable that you leave the list.

I wrote:

> Can't we just object?
> "I object."
> Said objection is now a part of the record.

"In the heyday of the Red Squad, law enforcers from J. Edgar Hoover's FBI on
down to the local level in Chicago focused to an unhealthy degree on
political dissidents, whose primary activity was advocacy though it
sometimes spilled over into violence. Today the concern, prudent and not
paranoid, is with ideologically motivated terrorism. The City does not want
to resurrect the Red Squad. It wants to be able to keep tabs on incipient
terrorist groups. New groups of political extremists, believers in and
advocates of violence, form daily around the world. If one forms in or
migrates to Chicago, the decree renders the police helpless to do anything
to protect the public against the day when the group decides to commit a
terrorist act. Until the group goes beyond the advocacy of violence and
begins preparatory actions that might create reasonable suspicion of
imminent criminal activity, the hands of the police are tied. And if the
police have been forbidden to investigate until then, if the investigation
cannot begin until the group is well on its way toward the commission of
terrorist acts, the investigation may come too late to prevent the acts or
to identify the perpetrators. If police get wind that a group of people have
begun meeting and discussing the desirability of committing acts of violence
in pursuit of an ideological agenda, a due regard for the public safety
counsels allowing the police department to monitor the statements of the
group's members, to build a file, perhaps to plant an undercover agent." --
Alliance to End Repression v. City of Chicago, 237 F.3d 799 (7th Cir. Ill.

May I have a ruling?

This list is flypaper, so it makes for interesting research and insights.
However, at some point, somebody turned on the bug zapper.


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