
I am a masters student in MIS trying to do my research
on Hacking and Anonymity. I request you to please fill
out my questionnaire.You can either download a 
MS-Word or a plain ascii Text document. It hardly
takes 10 minutes to answer them. This research work is
very important for me as I can then graduate in
december. Please help me by filling out the
questionnaire and sending it back to me. My research
work is in no way judgemental about hacking and its
ethics. Your information will be kept strictly
confidential and will not be revealed to anyone. 

I appreciate your help in this matter. Thank-you very

Praveen Badiga
ISC Department, Georgia College,
Milledgeville, GA-31061 USA

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Attachment: Questionnaire.doc
Description: Questionnaire.doc

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Please answer by typing the following abbreviations next to the questions (At the end 
of each question) 
VSA - Very Strongly Agree, SA - Strongly Agree, A - Agree, N - Neutral, D - Disagree,
SD - Strongly Disagree VSD - Very Strongly Disagree
For example: I prefer to hack using a pseudonym rather than using my real name. VSA
1.  I prefer to hack using a pseudonym rather than using my real name. 
2.  Using a real name will confine my freedom to hack freely.
3.  I would hack less if I weren't anonymous.
4.  I would take fewer risks if I weren't anonymous.
5.  Hacking provides a good test of my skills.
6.  Hacking stretches my capabilities to the limits.
7.  Setting challenging hacking goals motivate me to hack.
8.  Restrictions to hacking drive me further to hack.
9.  I give up easily when the task is beyond my ability.
10. I have a sense of well-being or euphoria while at the computer.
11. I crave to spend more and more time at the computer.
12. I use the computer as an outlet for sadness or depression.
13. I mislead people about the amount of time I spend on the computer.
14. I can control my time spent on the computer.
15. I use the computer to escape from my problems.
16. Rapid feedback of my activity makes me hack more. 
17. I give up when the task is beyond my ability to achieve. 
18. I feel like I am using my best talents and skills while hacking. 
19. I like to work faster and faster as I hack. 
20. Positive feedback during hacking motivates me to pursue the goal further.
21. Enjoyment results from the immediate feedback, which computers provide to their 
22. Being a member of the hacker community makes me feel less responsible for my 
23. I am concerned about the possible harm that my hacking activities can cause.
24. I believe that it is the responsibility of the system administrators, not mine, to 
protect the sites that I hack.
25. I am always responsible for any harm caused by my hacking activities.
26. I am sensitive to the victims' feelings of manipulation, fear, and anger due to my 
hacking activities.
27. I do not believe that hacking is an unethical behavior.
28. I get so involved in what I am doing that I almost forget about time.
29. I am not aware of what is going on in the world when I am hacking.
30. I am not concerned about how others may evaluate my hacking behavior.
31. I consider myself a true hacker.
32. I hack for educational purposes and knowledge.
33. How many hours on average do you spend everyday in hacking?
        a)0  b)1-3   c)4-6   d)7-9   e)9-11  f)More than 11. Please type answer here - 
34. What hacking activities have u tried:
        a.Breaking computer network security.
        b.Breaking security on computer application software.
        c.Setting up sniffers on a network.
        e.Writing virus scripts for attacks.
        f.Defacing public websites
        g.Other (Please Specify)
35. Causing damage to the other systems gives me more satisfaction than just breaking 
into them. 
36. I don't stop unless I have achieved my goal.
37. Hacking is just being able to gain access to other systems without permission.
38. Shutting down a major site gives me a sense of power.

Please feel free to add any comments you have regarding the questionnaire. Thank you 
very much for the time you have taken to answer the above questions.

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