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On Monday, November 26, 2001, at 07:58 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Mon, 26 Nov 2001, Jim Choate wrote:
>> On Tue, 20 Nov 2001, Faustine wrote:
>>> Not all women are golddiggers.
>> They're called 'old maids'. ALL women who are interested in a
>> 'relationship' are 'golddiggers' in the sense they want to 'change' the
>> other party.
> Nothing like a good across the board generalization, huh Jim?

>       Well, I hate to be in the position of defending Jimbo, but he's 
>right--in a sense, but not just about women.

>       I'd be willing to bet (should there be a way of proving it to my 
>satisfaction) that in every relationship, one party would like to change 
>AT LEAST 2 things about the other party.

Bah! Anyone who goes around trying to force the other person into becoming
what they're not probably deserves whatever grief they give themselves over it. 

I don't change for anyone, nor do I expect anyone to change for me. 
Integrity and self-respect count for a lot in my book. And if we can
enjoy each other for what we are, excellent. If not, time to move on to
something more rewarding. Not all women go around with silly notions about
"perfect soulmates" and all that nauseating weakminded crap. I find nothing in
least bit attractive about a spineless simp telling me what he thinks I want to
hear. What's so interesting about being around a personality-deficient
jellyfish, man or woman. Pride isn't a sin, it's a virtue!

Any relationship based on desperation or one partner's dysfunctional clingy
need is a complete waste of time. So if you seem to be spending a lot of time
around women who want to mash you down into a mold of some cartoonish happy-
ever-after "ideal", perhaps it's time to look at why you keep choosing and
ending up with them. If you were drawn to strong-willed independent women
instead, I can assure you that you'd be facing an entirely different spectrum
of dysfunctionality. ;) 


I was going to look for an especially relevant sig quote, but on second
thought, think the one I have now will do just fine...


The right to be let alone is indeed the beginning of all freedoms.
- --William O. Douglas, Associate Justice, US Supreme Court

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