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David wrote:
George wrote:

>>5) Gold makes women sleep with you.  I don't know why they
>>like it, but they do.
>They sleep with you because of your large cattle herd only they
>have accepted abstracted value and settle for gold or stocks...

Not all women are golddiggers. I happen to think any woman who marries
for money or sleeps around for gifts and dinners is worse than a whore.
As the old saw goes, at least real prostitutes are honest about what they're

The only "abstracted value" I find really intriguing is the quality of
a man's mind. Everything else is entirely beside the point. You have no idea
how often I get hit on by so-called "attractive" men--and I'm quite proud to say
I've never dated even one of them. I'd prefer a fat cranky old genius over a
rich businessman or male model anyday! 

But if sleeping with golddiggers is good enough for you, to each his own.
Though it must totally unsatisfying to know that your golddigger-du-jour will
stop valuing you when your cash flow dries up. A shame you couldn't have found
someone better instead. 



The right to be let alone is indeed the beginning of all freedoms.
- --William O. Douglas, Associate Justice, US Supreme Court

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