"It doesn't take a judgment by society at large to realize that some
people really are better off alone instead of inflicting their destructive
fucked-up personality on others (psychotics, alcoholics, etc)."

What about silly little girls inflicting their e-gold (!) opinions.

"if more people refused to cave in to societal pressures and thought about
what they really wanted to do with their lives (instead of blindly falling into
the "spouse, family, 9 to 5 job" trap out of conformism and a fear of the
unknown) it would be a great thing."

Whoopdy doo! Fergedabout ask abbie! Ask Faustine!...only dont ask if 
she/he/its an agent.

Previously posted,she may be what she claims,after aimee,though...

"...Someone once remarked that the most unimaginitive, laziest Harvard
graduate students at the bottom of their class tend to end up at the IMF
and UN. Sort of sinkholes of mediocrity. Oh well! ~Faustine."

Luckily we now have 'open source' AP to take out the ones that get to be
president.Did you see my 2 previous post F?

1) Faustine wrote...
."..good old boring long-faced church-every-Sunday solid-citizen Robert P.
Hanssen. If his FBI colleagues had been asked to rate him by your above
criteria, he probably would have been in the high 200s all across the
board. And maybe deservedly so. But since those factors weren't in any way,
shape, or form relevant to the fact that he was also the kind of person who
could sell out his country for the sheer pleasure of the game of it, he got
away with murder for years until he got careless and his shitty tradecraft
finally caught up with him."

His tradecraft was rather good I thought,especially in not trusting his
handlers with direct contact.Possibly he was done in by sex addiction
common to many repressed septic tanks(yanks) W.Reichs,mass psychology of
facism describes syndrome.Also wanted on some level to get caught,much like
Ted special K.(and USAma bin laden?)
Did he really get away with murder? Feh.Aldrich ames did and his rep
survived polygraphs so reputations are bollocks unless panocoptincons and
regular stings/tests are done.Hanssen didnt tell the russkies anything they
couldnt have worked out them selves.

No response? Trawling for bigger game? pot bellied,aging brilliant thorns
in the side of your country? Then...'In praise of gold:

"...nothing more than a cop-out. So it seems to me, at any rate. ~Faustine. "

Like you last week (agent ?) faustine (cop-in?) Silence speaks volumes in
this house.

Im calling you out as a patriotic,extremely dim little bitch at the very

END reprints 'smart as whip 'F missed in the wash.

(changed slightly dim to the above)Do you take messages for agent 
farr,agent faustine,Ive got a tip for her.

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